Sheetz in Breezewood, Pennsylvania [02]
Sheetz in Breezewood, Pennsylvania [01]
Former Sheetz in Westminster, Maryland [01]
Former Sheetz in Westminster, Maryland [02]
Former Sheetz in Westminster, Maryland [03]
Former Sheetz in Westminster, Maryland [04]
Exxon station in King George, Virginia [02]
Exxon station in King George, Virginia [01]
Fuel island at Wawa in Chesapeake, Virginia
Gas canopy at Sheetz [02]
Gas canopy at Sheetz [01]
Buc-ee's in Crossville, Tennessee [43]
Buc-ee's in Crossville, Tennessee [44]
Buc-ee's in Crossville, Tennessee [46]
Buc-ee's in Crossville, Tennessee [47]
Buc-ee's in Crossville, Tennessee [48]
Buc-ee's in Crossville, Tennessee [45]
First fueling of the new HR-V [05]
First fueling of the new HR-V [04]
First fueling of the new HR-V [02]
First fueling of the new HR-V [03]
First fueling of the new HR-V [01]
Meijer gas station in Ann Arbor, Michigan
Fueling the HR-V at Meijer [01]
Fueling the HR-V at Meijer [02]
Fueling the HR-V in Chesterton, Indiana
Fueling the HR-V at the Beltsville Wawa
Fueling up at Wawa on Busch's Frontage Road