Cows on a farm in Stuarts Draft
Fruit tree at Bull Run Mountain Farm
Metal building near Woodstock [01]
Metal building near Woodstock [02]
"Anatomically Correct Bull" [01]
"Anatomically Correct Bull" [02]
"Anatomically Correct Bull" [03]
"Anatomically Correct Bull" [04]
Angry Birds at Wayside Farm
Tanker terminal at Piney Point [04]
Tanker terminal at Piney Point [05]
Tanker terminal at Piney Point [01]
Tanker terminal at Piney Point [02]
Tanker terminal at Piney Point [03]
Calf licking a hand
Calf licking another calf
Calf barn at South Mountain Creamery
Gordon Brown
Flowers growing on a retired engine for Plymouth Fire Company
Retired engine for Plymouth Fire Company [04]
Retired engine for Plymouth Fire Company [03]
Retired engine for Plymouth Fire Company [02]
Retired engine for Plymouth Fire Company [01]
View from Dirt Farm Brewing [02]
View from Dirt Farm Brewing [01]
Cow drinking out of a toilet
Montgomery Mall food court with no indoor dining
Intersection of Routes 64 and 418 [03]
International S-100 truck [03]
International S-100 truck [02]
International S-100 truck [01]
Atlantic City wind turbines [01]
Atlantic City wind turbines [02]
Atlantic City wind turbines [03]
Atlantic City wind turbines [04]
Atlantic City wind turbines [05]
Bull statue decorated for St. Patrick's Day [01]
Bull statue decorated for St. Patrick's Day [02]
Bull statue decorated for St. Patrick's Day [03]
Satellite facility in Woodbine, Maryland [02]
Satellite facility in Woodbine, Maryland [05]
Satellite facility in Woodbine, Maryland [03]
Satellite facility in Woodbine, Maryland [04]
Satellite facility in Woodbine, Maryland [01]
"Caution: Uncompleted road not publicly maintained" [02]
CVS Pharmacy in Clarksburg, Maryland
"Caution: Uncompleted road not publicly maintained" [01]
The Reach
CFC Farm & Home Center [02]
CFC Farm & Home Center [01]
NTT Global Data Centers Ashburn facility [01]
NTT Global Data Centers Ashburn facility [02]
NTT Global Data Centers Ashburn facility [03]
NTT Global Data Centers Ashburn facility [04]
NTT Global Data Centers Ashburn facility [05]
NTT Global Data Centers Ashburn facility [06]
Case Farms Calypso Feed Mill [05]
Case Farms Calypso Feed Mill [06]
Reinke irrigation rig at Brock Equipment [01]
Case Farms Calypso Feed Mill [03]
Case Farms Calypso Feed Mill [02]
Reinke irrigation rig at Brock Equipment [02]
Case Farms Calypso Feed Mill [01]
Case Farms Calypso Feed Mill [04]
Reese Sign Services facility [03]
Reese Sign Services facility [06]
Farm equipment sign on I-795 [01]
Farm equipment sign on I-795 [02]
Vintage Ford tractor in Capron, Virginia
Sign at Utz factory [01]
Sign at Utz factory [02]
Sign at Utz factory [03]
Sign at Utz factory [04]
Sign at Utz factory [05]
Sign at Utz factory [06]
Vents at the Utz factory
Atlantic City from offshore [04]
Atlantic City, near Pacific and Delaware Avenues [01]
Atlantic City wind turbines [11]
Atlantic City wind turbines [06]