420 Adams Street [01]
420 Adams Street [02]
420 Adams Street [03]
Aerial view of Charles Town and Ranson, West Virginia
Aerial view of Charles Town, West Virginia [01]
Aerial view of Charles Town, West Virginia [02]
Aerial view of Charles Town, West Virginia [03]
Aerial view of downtown Crossville, Tennessee [01]
Aerial view of downtown Crossville, Tennessee [02]
Aerial view of downtown Crossville, Tennessee [03]
Aerial view of downtown Knoxville [01]
Aerial view of Monterey, Virginia [01]
Aerial view of Monterey, Virginia [02]
Aerial view of Monterey, Virginia [03]
Aerial view of Monterey, Virginia [04]
Aerial view of Monterey, Virginia [05]
Aerial view of Monterey, Virginia [06]
Aerial view of the Pennsylvania State Capitol [01]
Aerial view of the Pennsylvania State Capitol [02]
Aerial view of the Pennsylvania State Capitol [03]
Aerial view of the Pennsylvania State Capitol [04]
Aerial view of the Pennsylvania State Capitol [05]
Aerial view of the Pennsylvania State Capitol [06]
Aerial view of the Pennsylvania State Capitol [07]
Aerial view of the Pennsylvania State Capitol [08]
Aerial view of the Pennsylvania State Capitol [09]
Aerial view of the Pennsylvania State Capitol [10]
Aerial view of the Pennsylvania State Capitol [11]
Aerial view of the Pennsylvania State Capitol [12]
Aerial view of the Pennsylvania State Capitol, above State Street
Alfredo's Mediterranean Grill
Augusta County Courthouse [03]
Augusta County Courthouse [04]
Augusta County Courthouse [05]
Augusta County Courthouse [06]
Augusta County Courthouse [07]
Augusta County Courthouse [08]
Cameo Theater
Courts of Whetstone area of Montgomery Village
Cumberland County Courthouse [01]
Cumberland County Courthouse [02]
Cumberland County Courthouse [03]
Cumberland County Courthouse [04]
Cumberland County Courthouse [05]
Cupola on the Augusta County Courthouse [01]
Dauphin, Pennsylvania, viewed from over the river
Dockside area of Montgomery Village
Downtown Charleston in early evening
Downtown Clifton Forge, Virginia
Downtown Gary, Indiana
Downtown Gettysburg, Pennsylvania [01]
Downtown Gettysburg, Pennsylvania [02]
Essex Place and Candle Ridge
Essex Place and The Reach
Essex Place, Candle Ridge, and Picton of Birlstone [01]
Essex Place, Candle Ridge, and Picton of Birlstone [02]
Essex Place, Candle Ridge, and Picton of Birlstone [03]
Fairfield, Pennsylvania [01]
Fairfield, Pennsylvania [02]
Fairfield, Pennsylvania [03]
Fairfield, Pennsylvania [04]
Gaithersburg, Maryland near Summit and Diamond Avenues [01]
Gaithersburg, Maryland near Summit and Diamond Avenues [02]
Hawk Run Terrace
Howard H. Baker, Jr. United States Courthouse
Jefferson Avenue in Clifton Forge, Virginia
Justice Robert D. Rucker Superior Courthouse [01]
Justice Robert D. Rucker Superior Courthouse [02]
Lake Whetstone [01]
Longshots Bar and Grill [01]
Longshots Bar and Grill [02]
Main Street in Clifton Forge, Virginia
Montgomery Village, facing approximately west [01]
Montgomery Village, facing approximately west [02]
Montgomery Village, facing approximately west [03]
Montgomery Village, facing approximately west [04]
Montgomery Village, facing east
Pennsylvania State Capitol fron across the State Street Bridge [01]
Pennsylvania State Capitol fron across the State Street Bridge [02]
Pennsylvania State Capitol fron across the State Street Bridge [03]