Flag flying over Arlington National Cemetery [03]
Flag flying over Arlington National Cemetery [02]
Flag flying over Arlington National Cemetery [01]
Entrance to Franklin Mills
Panels of the Berlin Wall [02]
Iwo Jima Memorial [01]
Iwo Jima Memorial [02]
Wheelock strobe at Rosslyn Center
Stones at Crandal Mackey Park
Panels of the Berlin Wall [01]
Afton Overlook sign
Entrance to Forest Glen station
Pentagon City station [01]
Friendship Heights station [02]
Friendship Heights station entrance pylon [02]
Boundary marker between Maryland and DC
Friendship Heights station entrance pylon [01]
Walmart in Madison Heights, Virginia [02]
Walmart in Madison Heights, Virginia [01]
Walmart in Madison Heights, Virginia [04]
Walmart in Madison Heights, Virginia [03]
Pentagon City station, November 2006 [04]
Pentagon City station, November 2006 [03]
Pentagon City station, November 2006 [02]
Pentagon City station, November 2006 [01]
Pentagon City station, November 2006 [05]
Pentagon City station, November 2006 [06]
Pentagon City station, November 2006 [07]
Pentagon City station, November 2006 [08]
View from 20-Minute Cliff overlook [04]
Stuarts Draft High School, November 2007 [01]
Stuarts Draft High School, November 2007 [03]
Stuarts Draft High School, November 2007 [02]
Stuarts Draft High School, November 2007 [06]
Stuarts Draft High School, November 2007 [05]
Stuarts Draft High School, November 2007 [04]
Completed demolition at 1815 North Fort Myer Drive [01]
Completed demolition at 1815 North Fort Myer Drive [02]
Completed demolition at 1815 North Fort Myer Drive [03]
Removing stairs on the Glenmont water tower
Completed demolition at 1815 North Fort Myer Drive [11]
Completed demolition at 1815 North Fort Myer Drive [10]
Completed demolition at 1815 North Fort Myer Drive [09]
Completed demolition at 1815 North Fort Myer Drive [08]
Completed demolition at 1815 North Fort Myer Drive [07]
Completed demolition at 1815 North Fort Myer Drive [06]
Completed demolition at 1815 North Fort Myer Drive [05]
Completed demolition at 1815 North Fort Myer Drive [04]
Fire alarm hanging by conduit
Demolition of former Safeway in Wheaton, Maryland [01]
Demolition of former Safeway in Wheaton, Maryland [02]
Demolition of former Safeway in Wheaton, Maryland [03]
Demolition of former Safeway in Wheaton, Maryland [04]
Dulles Toll Road eastern plaza
Demolition of former Safeway in Wheaton, Maryland [05]
Staples at Plaza America in Reston
Olney Indoor Swim Center [01]
Kennedy Shriver Aquatic Center [05]
Kennedy Shriver Aquatic Center [07]
Kennedy Shriver Aquatic Center [06]
Kennedy Shriver Aquatic Center [04]
Kennedy Shriver Aquatic Center [03]
Kennedy Shriver Aquatic Center [02]
Kennedy Shriver Aquatic Center [01]
Salvation Army bell ringer
Germantown Tennisplex
Montgomery Tennisplex
Fallen Ride On bus stop sign
Edge Hill Cemetery [14]
Humpback Rock [01]
Humpback Rock [02]
Afternoon sky over Aspen Hill
Truck on Randolph Road
Olney Indoor Swim Center [05]
Living room
Washing machine on the back of a truck
Wheelock AS at MVA Gaithersburg
Vintage "Vepco" label on lamppost in Reston, Virginia
Reston Town Center parking garage stairs
Water pitcher at Clyde's in Reston