Nachos from Busboys and Poets
BBQ Chicken Salad
IKEA meatballs and mashed potatoes [01]
IKEA meatballs and mashed potatoes [02]
IKEA meatballs and mashed potatoes [03]
Canned food at Maruichi
Jars of mustard at Kielbasa Factory
Best Foods mayonnaise
Jars of tomato sauce at Giant
Former Toys "R" Us cart at Food Star [01]
Large bottles of Cholula hot sauce
Bottles of various sauces at Cocos Food [02]
Bottles of various sauces at Cocos Food [01]
Stain on the sidewalk outside Ross
Dinner at Enatye Ethiopian Restaurant
Pizza from Rad Pies
Ingredients for making pizza
Remains of Buc-ee's brisket sandwich
Shopping list at Walmart
Sign regarding sauce at Chicken Now
Sandwich from Shaffer's Barbecue
Swedish meatballs meal from IKEA
Slice of white pizza from Geraci's Slice Shop
Chicken Bibimbap from Cuckoo
Beef Shoyu Ramen from Kinton Ramen
Slice from Rocky's New York Pizza
Kmart in Bridgehampton, New York [24]
IKEA Swedish meatballs meal [01]
IKEA Swedish meatballs meal [02]