"Closed due to COVID-19"
"Snapper" school bus
131 East 5th Avenue
Aerial view from Clark Street Beach, facing south [03]
Aerial view from Clark Street Beach, facing south [04]
Aerial view of downtown Staunton, Virginia [01]
Aerial view of downtown Staunton, Virginia [02]
Aerial view of downtown Staunton, Virginia [03]
Aerial view of downtown Staunton, Virginia [04]
Aerial view of downtown Staunton, Virginia [05]
Aerial view of downtown Staunton, Virginia [06]
Aerial view of Poolesville, Maryland
Aerial view of Swatara Township, Pennsylvania [03]
Aerial view of Wayne Community College [01]
Aerial view of Wayne Community College [02]
Aerial view of Wayne Community College [03]
Aerial view of Wayne Community College [04]
American Public University System building
Arlington Education Center
Augusta County school bus 145 [01]
Augusta County school bus 145 [02]
Augusta County school bus 145 [03]
Augusta County school bus at Ridgeview Park [01]
Augusta County school bus at Ridgeview Park [02]
Beverley Manor Elementary School [01]
Beverley Manor Elementary School [02]
Beverley Manor Middle School [01]
Beverley Manor Middle School [02]
Beverley Manor Middle School [03]
Beverley Manor Middle School [04]
Beverley Manor Middle School [05]
Beverley Manor Middle School [06]
Boys' restroom at Stuarts Draft Middle School
Buffalo Gap High School [01]
Buffalo Gap High School [02]
Buffalo Gap High School [03]
Buffalo Gap High School [04]
Buffalo Gap High School [05]
Buffalo Gap High School [06]
Buffalo Gap Middle and High Schools [01]
Buffalo Gap Middle and High Schools [02]
Buffalo Gap Middle and High Schools [03]
Buffalo Gap Middle and High Schools [04]
Buffalo Gap Middle and High Schools [05]
Buffalo Gap Middle and High Schools [06]
Buffalo Gap Middle and High Schools [07]
Buffalo Gap Middle and High Schools [08]
Buffalo Gap Middle and High Schools [09]
Buffalo Gap Middle and High Schools [10]
Bunce Hall [01]
Bunce Hall [02]
Bunce Hall [03]
Chemistry building corridor at the University of Maryland [01]
Chemistry building corridor at the University of Maryland [02]
Cherry Street School [01]
Cherry Street School [02]
Cherry Street School [03]
Cherry Street School [04]
Cherry Street School [05]
Cherry Street School [06]
Cherry Street School [07]
Cherry Street School [08]
Clock at Rowan University
Clymore Elementary School [01]
Construction of Thomas Edison High School of Technology
Courts of Whetstone area of Montgomery Village
Cumberland Regional High School [01]
Cumberland Regional High School [02]
Cumberland Regional High School [03]
Downtown Gettysburg, Pennsylvania [01]
Downtown Staunton, Virginia, facing northeast
Duncan School of Law at Lincoln Memorial University
Edward G. Clymore Elementary School [02]
Edward G. Clymore Elementary School [03]
Edward G. Clymore Elementary School [04]
Edward G. Clymore Elementary School [05]
Edward G. Clymore Elementary School [06]
Eighth grade hall at Stuarts Draft Middle School
Elyse and I photograph each other
Elyse looks out of a 36th floor window