Arlington Temple United Methodist Church
Naylor Road station
Steeple of Arlington Temple United Methodist Church [01]
Steeple of Arlington Temple United Methodist Church [02]
Completed demolition at 1815 North Fort Myer Drive [11]
Completed demolition at 1815 North Fort Myer Drive [10]
Completed demolition at 1815 North Fort Myer Drive [08]
Byock/Schumin headstone [03]
Ruth Schumin grave marker [02]
Byock/Schumin burial plot
Seymour Schumin grave marker [02]
Seymour Byock grave marker
Ruth Byock grave marker
Byock/Schumin headstone [02]
Seymour Schumin grave marker [01]
Ruth Schumin grave marker [01]
Ruth and Seymour Schumin grave markers
Jewish War Veterans marker [02]
Jewish War Veterans marker [01]
Byock/Schumin headstone [01]
Washington DC Temple [03]
Washington DC Temple [02]
Washington DC Temple [01]
Ellenco 350 fire alarm horn [02]
Ellenco 350 fire alarm horn [01]
Cameron's Seafood Restaurant
Arlington Temple United Methodist Church
Elyse photographs in the Mormon Temple [01]
Elyse photographs in the Mormon Temple [02]
Sink at the Mormon Temple [01]
Sink at the Mormon Temple [02]
Fire alarm strobe at the Mormon Temple [01]
Fire alarm strobe at the Mormon Temple [02]
Fire alarm strobe at the Mormon Temple [03]
Fire alarm strobe at the Mormon Temple [04]
Sealing room at the Mormon Temple
Stained glass at the Mormon Temple
Restroom at Southern Avenue station