End of Gerties Lane
"This church is prayer conditioned"
"This church is prayer conditioned"
"No parking this side of street"
Occupancy prohibited
Welcome to the Real Fauquier County
Traffic lights outside Greensboro station
Ellenco 5C at Hewitt Gardens [03]
Escalator closed
"All Trains Leaving From This Platform Go To Philadelphia"
Warning: Children in this community protected by child registry
Parking violation notice
No guest recyclables
Walmart jewelry department closed [01]
Walmart jewelry department closed [02]
Stop work order at Mac Business Solutions
Slush machine out of service
Sign asking that customers limit purchases
Fountain drinks closed at Sheetz [01]
Fountain drinks closed at Sheetz [02]
Massage chairs closed for social distance
Social distancing sticker on a bench [02]
Social distancing sticker on a bench [01]
Sears in White Oak, Maryland [03]
Sears in White Oak, Maryland [04]
Sears in White Oak, Maryland [05]
Garrett Popcorn's Pentagon City Mall location is closed
No reusable cups allowed at Wawa
Dirt graffiti
No grocery sales except when purchasing electronics
Fare machine for Ride On Flash bus
"This ride has been sanitized"
Sign about car relocation in snow
Unsafe sign on an escalator
No water fountain due to COVID
Ellicott City Lights, 2020 [01]
Ellicott City Lights, 2020 [02]
Ellenco 5C at Hewitt Gardens [09]
Social distancing sign at Cheesecake Factory
This shelf has been counted for inventory
Closed entrance at Pottery Barn in King of Prussia Mall
"This register is closed"
"Legal Mask Disclaimer" sign at Zumiez [01]
"Legal Mask Disclaimer" sign at Zumiez [02]
"Legal Mask Disclaimer" sign at Zumiez [03]
"No refrigerated items in this room"
Reminders about the baseball game
Construction sign at Gaithersburg Square
"Don't turn on this heater"
Former Gordmans in Waynesboro, Pennsylvania [06]
Sign for Graffiti Bar [01]
"This business is certified COVID compliant"
"No one allowed passed [sic] this point without 100% fall protection"
Sign for Graffiti Bar [02]
Sign for Graffiti Bar [03]
Restricted area signage
Unfinished Best Western hotel [01]
Unfinished Best Western hotel [02]
Unfinished Best Western hotel [03]
Unfinished Best Western hotel [04]
Unfinished Best Western hotel [05]
Farm equipment sign on I-795 [01]
Farm equipment sign on I-795 [02]
"Let's not linger" sign at IKEA
"This vehicle not for sale" [01]
"This vehicle not for sale" [02]
Historical marker for Highland County on US 250
Staunton Reservoir and Dam [01]
Signs at the end of Gerties Lane [02]
Signs at the end of Gerties Lane [01]
Signs at the end of Gerties Lane [03]
Reminder to always flush
"Do not use this outlet!!"
"Pay to park, this side of street"
Sticker advising not to remove the sign
Sign in the elevator permit holder at Hampton Inn Knoxville East
Cooler notice at Wytheville Sheetz
"Do not empty tea urns in this sink!!"