Pothole on 20th Street NW
Damaged gutter system hanging from building [03]
Damaged gutter system hanging from building [04]
Damaged gutter system hanging from building [05]
Damaged gutter system hanging from building [06]
The Inn at Afton [01]
Abandoned motel guest building [15]
Abandoned motel guest building [14]
Abandoned motel guest building [13]
Abandoned motel guest building [12]
Abandoned motel guest building [11]
Abandoned motel guest building [10]
Abandoned motel guest building [09]
Abandoned motel guest building [08]
Abandoned motel guest building [07]
Honda Prelude destroyed by falling tree [02]
Honda Prelude destroyed by falling tree [01]
Damaged traffic signal in Evanston, Illinois [01]
Damaged traffic signal in Evanston, Illinois [02]
Abandoned rowhouse at North Calvert and East Read Streets [01]
Abandoned rowhouse at North Calvert and East Read Streets [02]
Abandoned rowhouse at North Calvert and East Read Streets [03]
Accident-damaged pickup truck
Damaged Wawa sign [02]
Damaged Wawa sign [01]
Edwards Integrity with broken strobe
Car fire in Lucketts, Virginia [14]
Car fire in Lucketts, Virginia [13]
Car fire in Lucketts, Virginia [12]
Car fire in Lucketts, Virginia [11]
Car fire in Lucketts, Virginia [10]
Car fire in Lucketts, Virginia [08]
Car fire in Lucketts, Virginia [07]
Car fire in Lucketts, Virginia [09]
Car fire in Lucketts, Virginia [06]
Car fire in Lucketts, Virginia [04]
Car fire in Lucketts, Virginia [05]
Car fire in Lucketts, Virginia [02]
Car fire in Lucketts, Virginia [01]
Car fire in Lucketts, Virginia [03]
Abandoned Days Inn near Warfordsburg, Pennsylvania [28]
Abandoned Days Inn near Warfordsburg, Pennsylvania [22]
Abandoned Days Inn near Warfordsburg, Pennsylvania [13]
Abandoned Days Inn near Warfordsburg, Pennsylvania [09]
Abandoned Days Inn near Warfordsburg, Pennsylvania [08]
Abandoned Days Inn near Warfordsburg, Pennsylvania [06]
Car accident on Montgomery Village Avenue at Christopher Avenue [01]
Car accident on Montgomery Village Avenue at Christopher Avenue [02]
Car accident on Montgomery Village Avenue at Christopher Avenue [03]
Car accident on Montgomery Village Avenue at Christopher Avenue [04]
Car accident on Montgomery Village Avenue at Christopher Avenue [05]
Car accident on Montgomery Village Avenue at Christopher Avenue [06]
Car accident on Montgomery Village Avenue at Christopher Avenue [07]
Car accident on Montgomery Village Avenue at Christopher Avenue [08]
Car accident on Montgomery Village Avenue at Christopher Avenue [09]
Car accident on Montgomery Village Avenue at Christopher Avenue [10]
Car accident on Montgomery Village Avenue at Christopher Avenue [11]
Car accident on Montgomery Village Avenue at Christopher Avenue [12]
Car accident on Montgomery Village Avenue at Christopher Avenue [13]
Car accident on Montgomery Village Avenue at Christopher Avenue [14]
Car accident on Montgomery Village Avenue at Christopher Avenue [15]
Car accident on Montgomery Village Avenue at Christopher Avenue [16]
Car accident on Montgomery Village Avenue at Christopher Avenue [17]
Honda HR-V following a collision with a deer [01]
Honda HR-V following a collision with a deer [02]
Honda HR-V following a collision with a deer [03]
Honda HR-V following a collision with a deer [04]
Malfunctioning price scanner at Micro Center [02]
Malfunctioning price scanner at Micro Center [01]
Burned out Days Inn near Warfordsburg, Pennsylvania [01]
Burned out Days Inn near Warfordsburg, Pennsylvania [02]
Burned out Days Inn near Warfordsburg, Pennsylvania [03]
Burned out Days Inn near Warfordsburg, Pennsylvania [04]
Burned out Days Inn near Warfordsburg, Pennsylvania [05]
Burned out Days Inn near Warfordsburg, Pennsylvania [06]
Burned out Days Inn near Warfordsburg, Pennsylvania [07]
Burned out Days Inn near Warfordsburg, Pennsylvania [08]
Burned out Days Inn near Warfordsburg, Pennsylvania [09]
Burned out Days Inn near Warfordsburg, Pennsylvania [10]
Burned out Days Inn near Warfordsburg, Pennsylvania [11]