Washington Monument in scaffolding, viewed from the west [09]
Washington Monument in scaffolding, viewed from the west [10]
Washington Monument in scaffolding, viewed from the southwest [01]
Washington Monument in scaffolding, viewed from the northwest [04]
Washington Monument in scaffolding, viewed from the southwest [02]
Washington Monument in scaffolding, viewed from the southwest [03]
Washington Monument in scaffolding, viewed from the southwest [04]
Base of the Washington Monument in scaffolding, viewed from the northwest [01]
Base of the Washington Monument in scaffolding, viewed from the west
Base of the Washington Monument in scaffolding, viewed from the southwest [01]
Base of the Washington Monument in scaffolding, viewed from the southwest [02]
Base of the Washington Monument in scaffolding, viewed from the southwest [03]
Detail of the Washington Monument's scaffolding, viewed from the west [01]
Detail of the Washington Monument's scaffolding, viewed from the southwest [01]
Detail of the Washington Monument's scaffolding, viewed from the southwest, showing the elevator car [01]
Detail of the Washington Monument's scaffolding, viewed from the southwest, showing the elevator car [02]
Detail of the Washington Monument's scaffolding, viewed from the southwest, showing the elevator car [03]
Detail of the Washington Monument's scaffolding, viewed from the southwest [02]
Jefferson Memorial from across the Tidal Basin
Path along the edge of the Tidal Basin
Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial [01]
Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial [02]
Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial [03]
View down Pennsylvania Avenue NW from the Old Post Office Tower [01]
View down Pennsylvania Avenue NW from the Old Post Office Tower [02]
Person photographing the Washington Monument
Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial at night [04]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the southwest, across the Tidal Basin [01]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the southwest, across the Tidal Basin [02]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the west, near the Lincoln Memorial [01]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the west [01]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the west [02]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the west [03]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the west [04]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the northwest [01]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the west, near the Lincoln Memorial [02]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the southwest, across the Tidal Basin [03]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the southwest, across the Tidal Basin [04]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the west, near the Lincoln Memorial [03]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the west, near the Lincoln Memorial [04]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the west, near the Lincoln Memorial [05]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the west, near the Lincoln Memorial [06]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the northwest [03]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the northwest [04]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the west [05]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the southwest [01]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the west [06]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the northwest [05]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the west [07]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the southwest [02]
Washington Monument in scaffolding at night, viewed from the west [08]
Jefferson Memorial from across the Tidal Basin [01]
Jefferson Memorial from across the Tidal Basin [02]
Walmart on Georgia Avenue NW [01]
Walmart on Georgia Avenue NW [02]
Walmart on H Street NW [01]
Walmart on H Street NW [02]
Walmart on H Street NW [03]
Walmart on H Street NW [04]
Walmart on H Street NW [05]
Metro Center station entrance pylon
Overflowing solar compactor trash can
Road flare on Maine Avenue SW [01]
Road flare on Maine Avenue SW [02]
490 L'Enfant Plaza pull station
Eastbound Capitol Limited arrival at Martinsburg
Eastbound Capitol Limited at Martinsburg [01]
Eastbound Capitol Limited at Martinsburg [02]
Eastbound Capitol Limited departing Martinsburg
Westbound Capitol Limited arrival at Martinsburg
Westbound Capitol Limited at Martinsburg [01]
Westbound Capitol Limited at Martinsburg [02]
Westbound Capitol Limited departing Martinsburg
Building with hole in stucco
Snow car
16th and Buchanan Streets NW
Metrobus 5311 at Archives
Metrobus 2137 at 14th and Colorado [01]
Metrobus 2137 at 14th and Colorado [02]
Metrobus 2137 at 14th and Colorado [03]