Street signs at the intersection of Madison Place and H Street NW
Code Pink protester outside White House
Do Not Enter (Except Buses)
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [28]
"Now Leasing" sign
Overhead sign for Interstate 70
Rick Hohensee for president [01]
WMATA railcar 3208 at L'Enfant Plaza station [02]
WMATA railcar 3208 at L'Enfant Plaza station [01]
Cindy Sheehan outside of the White House
Snow emergency route sign
Wheaton parking garage
Filming of Courting Condi [05]
Filming of Courting Condi [04]
Resist the Greenscare march [02]
Filming of Courting Condi [03]
Filming of Courting Condi [02]
Filming of Courting Condi [01]
Rick Hohensee for president [02]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [25]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [12]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [05]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [32]
Operation Sea Arrrgh [30]
Anonymous DC August raid [01]
Anonymous DC September raid [01]
Metrobus stop flag at Rosslyn
World Bank/IMF demonstration [10]
Anonymous Ideal Org raid [25]
Protest at opening of new Church of Scientology facility in Washington, DC [09]
March for America [04]
Metrobus 6003 at Cheverly
Anonymous demonstration at FBI Building [02]
Anonymous demonstration at FBI Building [03]
Anti-War Anniversary March [13]
Anti-War Anniversary March [12]
Anti-War Anniversary March [11]
Anti-War Anniversary March [09]
Anti-War Anniversary March [08]
Anti-War Anniversary March [02]
Metrobus stop flag for X2 route
Anti-War Anniversary March [21]
Anti-War Anniversary March [18]
Carmel Plaza Apartments
500 block of H Street NW
H Street NW street sign
11th and H Streets NW
1200 block of H Street NW
SlutWalk DC 2012 [17]
SlutWalk DC 2012 [18]
Forward on Climate Rally [38]
Forward on Climate Rally [22]
Handwritten sign on a speaker
Hip Hop Fish & Chicken [03]
Hip Hop Fish & Chicken [02]
Hip Hop Fish & Chicken [01]
"Please do not disconnect. Speaker is part of fire system. Thank you."
Signage at Suitland station
DASH Orion V farewell [04]
DASH Orion V farewell [05]
DASH Orion V farewell [06]
DASH Orion V farewell [07]
DASH Orion V farewell [08]
DASH Orion V farewell [09]
DASH Orion V farewell [10]
DASH Orion V farewell [11]
DASH Orion V farewell [12]
DASH Orion V farewell [13]
Bus stop on Nicholson Lane [01]
Bus stop on Nicholson Lane [01]
Bus stop on Nicholson Lane [01]
Bus stop on Nicholson Lane [01]
Fuel-efficient vehicle parking at Ashburn station
Bus directory sign at Glenmont station
Bus stop sign at Greenbelt station