Gallery Place-Chinatown station, August 2024
Fire alarm at Shaw-Howard University station [01]
Fire alarm at Shaw-Howard University station [02]
"Please vote blue or we all die!"
Wall signage at Mount Vernon Square station
1100 15th Street NW
Navy Memorial, running blue [01]
Navy Memorial, running blue [02]
4601 16th Street NW [01]
Cherry blossoms in Petworth
4601 16th Street NW [02]
Navy Memorial, running blue [03]
Navy Memorial, running blue [04]
New Hampshire Avenue in Petworth
Statue of Andrew Jackson [02]
Robert Bobb campaign sign
Elyse holds up a model bus
Brittany condominiums
1616 P Street NW [02]
View from Marriott Marquis [03]
Break space at Metro headquarters
View from Marriott Marquis [02]
View from Marriott Marquis [05]
Colorful rowhouses at 25th and M Streets NW [01]
National City Christian Church [01]
View from Marriott Marquis [04]
Sign on Aspen Street NW
Former National Bank of Washington building
National City Christian Church [03]
National City Christian Church [02]
Navy Memorial, running blue [05]
(Here I Stand) In the Spirit of Paul Robeson
View from Marriott Marquis [01]
Path along the edge of the Tidal Basin
Beer in a bag
American Idol tryout rules sign
United States Capitol at night [01]
Rick Hohensee for president [02]
United States Capitol at night [02]
Farragut West station [02]
Lion at the National Zoo
16th and Buchanan Streets NW
Building with hole in stucco
New rowhouse in Petworth
"Now Leasing" sign
Face wearing sunglasses
Third rail at Metro Center station
One Washington Circle
Wheelock Exceder at 1615 L Street NW
Statue of Winfield Scott
The Ellington
Fraser Mansion [04]
Cafe Green
Asian elephant at the National Zoo [01]
Carpet at Washington Convention Center
Fraser Mansion [03]
Fraser Mansion [10]
Colorful rowhouses at 25th and M Streets NW [02]
Dandelion [01]
United States Capitol at night [03]
Embassy Building
Dandelion [03]
Exorcist Steps
Elyse smiling
1717 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Equestrian statue of George Washington [02]
Peace pole at Foundry United Methodist Church [01]
Peace pole at Foundry United Methodist Church [01]
Flamingo at the National Zoo
Jefferson Memorial from across the Tidal Basin
Asian elephant at the National Zoo [02]
Souvenir hoodies
People playing on the National Mall
Pedestrian signal at 15th and P Streets NW
L'Enfant Plaza station [04]
Adam Eidinger campaign sign
District of Columbia War Memorial at night
Fraser Mansion [21]
Squirrel in Farragut Square
L'Enfant Plaza station [03]