Flag flying over Arlington National Cemetery [03]
Flag flying over Arlington National Cemetery [02]
Flag flying over Arlington National Cemetery [01]
Roses on replica coffins
Rose on replica coffin
Edge Hill Cemetery [43]
Edge Hill Cemetery [39]
Hope Hill Cemetery [08]
Hope Hill Cemetery [05]
Hope Hill Cemetery [06]
Former Peoples Drug at Staunton Mall
Former Waves store in Staunton Mall
Former Shoe Dept space at Staunton Mall
Kiosk in Staunton Mall JCPenney wing
Always Be Prepared Outlet [01]
Always Be Prepared Outlet [02]
Staunton Mall with fence [04]
Staunton Mall demolition progress [17]
Grave marker for Paul and Edith Bowman [01]
Grave marker for Paul and Edith Bowman [02]
Grave marker for Paul and Edith Bowman [03]