Walmart on Valley View Boulevard
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [01]
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [02]
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [03]
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [04]
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [05]
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [06]
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [07]
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [08]
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [09]
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [10]
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [11]
Interior of former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [01]
Interior of former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [02]
Walmart in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania [01]
Walmart in Leesburg, Virginia [03]
Walmart in Leesburg, Virginia [02]
Walmart in Leesburg, Virginia [01]
Walmart in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania [01]
Walmart in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania [02]
Walmart in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania [03]
Mismatched Walmart price sign
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [12]
Walmart Supercenter in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina
Beach shop at Walmart in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina
Bagging wheel at Walmart in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina
"Freeosk" machine
Former Eldersburg Walmart
Aldi in Silver Spring, Maryland
At Home in Frederick
Sequin pillow at Walmart
Gallon-sized jug of Great Value canola oil
Old Walmart logo still in use
Walmart North York store
Cash registers at the Walmart in North York
Walmart clothing department
Walmart Canada price sign
Walmart electronics register
C-Plus Orange at Walmart in North York
Mircom fire alarm pull station at Walmart in North York [01]
Mircom fire alarm pull station at Walmart in North York [02]
A&W root beer at Walmart in North York
Pickup tower at Staunton Walmart
Walmart remodel in Hanover, Pennsylvania [01]
Walmart remodel in Hanover, Pennsylvania [02]
Walmart remodel in Hanover, Pennsylvania [03]
Milk cartons
Walmart in Frederick, Maryland
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [10]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [09]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [11]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [12]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [14]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [13]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [16]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [15]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [01]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [03]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [02]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [04]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [05]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [06]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [08]
Former Walmart store in Leesburg, Virginia [07]
McDonald's "lightning" logo at Walmart [02]
McDonald's "lightning" logo at Walmart [01]
Walmart return policy change signage
Hygiene signage at Walmart
Walmart jewelry department closed [01]
Walmart jewelry department closed [02]
Plastic snake on the floor
Class of 2020 graduation gift
Former Walmart in Leesburg, Virginia at night [02]
Former Walmart in Leesburg, Virginia at night [01]
Walmart in Hampton, Virginia
Photographing at the former Walmart in Leesburg, Virginia
Capacity limit at the Walmart in Charles Town, West Virginia
Walmart Supercenter in Charles Town, West Virginia [01]
Pandemic-related signage at Target [02]
Pandemic-related signage at Target [03]