Two women leaving the American Idol tryout
Woman leaving the American Idol tryout
American Idol tryout rules sign
Woman talking on the phone at Washington Convention Center
Two women after American Idol tryouts
Inauguration protest, 2005 [27]
World Can't Wait demonstration [01]
World Can't Wait demonstration [02]
Funk the War 3 [07]
Anti-war graffiti at Brookland
Operation Sea Arrrgh [37]
March on Crystal City [28]
March on Crystal City [18]
Yellow Line train at Fort Totten
World Bank/IMF demonstration [10]
National Equality March [26]
National Equality March [32]
National Equality March [25]
National Equality March [22]
March for America [04]
March for America [03]
March for America [02]
March for America [01]
Camp Out Now
Forward on Climate Rally [59]
Discarded earplugs along P Street NW
RadioShack in Columbia Heights
Former Maso space
Former 7-Eleven at 20th Street and Rhode Island Avenue NE
Eddie's Soul Food [03]
Eddie's Soul Food [02]
Eddie's Soul Food [01]
Isolated Metro railcar [01]
Isolated Metro railcar [02]
Former Waynesboro District Home [01]
Former Waynesboro District Home [02]
Former Waynesboro District Home [03]
Former Waynesboro District Home [04]
Former Waynesboro District Home [05]
Former Waynesboro District Home [06]
Former Waynesboro District Home [07]
Former Waynesboro District Home [08]