Pigeon near the White House [02]
Pigeon near the White House [01]
Skywalk between Rosslyn Center and Metro elevator
Hains Point [01]
Hains Point [02]
Woman walking across Freedom Plaza
Anacostia station entrance pylon
Woman walking through Dupont Circle
Trash can on University Avenue
National Equality March [38]
Anonymous DC April 2010 raid [04]
Anonymous DC April 2010 raid [05]
Anonymous DC April 2010 raid [07]
Anonymous DC April 2010 raid [06]
Anonymous DC April 2010 raid [03]
Anonymous DC April 2010 raid [02]
Older-style pedestrian crossing signs
Pedestrian signal at 7th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue SE
Path along the edge of the Tidal Basin
Building with hole in stucco
Sidewalk food message
Friendship Archway
Lime bike at 20th Street and Rhode Island Avenue NE [01]
Lime bike at 20th Street and Rhode Island Avenue NE [02]
Smoking bench at Knoxville Station Transit Center
Canal beneath former Reynolds Wrap building
Selfie with zero miles
Canal Walk in Shockoe Bottom, facing west
Lamppost outside Vistas on the James
"BOOM" on a nametag sticker
Vistas on the James [02]
Mallard duck in the canal
Graffiti at former power plant in Richmond [02]
Chocolate vine [01]
Graffiti at former power plant in Richmond [01]
Chocolate vine [03]
Art space in former power plant [02]
Art space in former power plant [03]
Christopher Newport Cross [04]
Chocolate vine [02]
Mud at the bottom of the canal [02]
The Italianate [08]
The Italianate [09]
Bucket in the canal
Mud at the bottom of the canal [01]
Mud around the side of the canal
Drawing of an elephant pooping
The Italianate [10]
The Italianate [11]
CoStar, Federal Reserve, and Riverfront Plaza buildings
Sidewalk selfie
The Italianate [07]
Chair embedded in the mud
Office at 275 South 12th Street
Riverfront Plaza [05]
CoStar Richmond office [06]
"Do not read this sentence"
Archway and gate at former Reynolds Wrap building [01]
CoStar Richmond office [07]
Archway and gate at former Reynolds Wrap building [02]
Red happy face on a wall
CoStar Richmond office [08]
Archway and gate at former Reynolds Wrap building [03]
"We need more affordable housing, Stoney!"
Federal Reserve Bank building [06]
Exit sign at former former Reynolds Wrap building
"Stop evictions!"
Federal Reserve Bank building [07]
Dandelion along the Virginia Capital Trail [01]
Federal Reserve Bank building [08]
Dandelion along the Virginia Capital Trail [02]
Construction in the canal