April 12, 2003 anti-war protest [16]
April 12, 2003 anti-war protest [06]
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [08]
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [11]
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [14]
September 15, 2007 anti-war march [10]
Funk the War 3 [08]
Funk the War 7 [04]
National Equality March [37]
Welcome to the Real Fauquier County
"The future is now" graffiti
COVID-19 signage at Patterson's Drug Store
Charlottesville Community Chalkboard, October 15, 2020 [02]
Charlottesville Community Chalkboard, October 15, 2020 [16]
Charlottesville Community Chalkboard, October 15, 2020 [30]
Ellenco 5C at Hewitt Gardens [09]
Indoor dining sign at Deptford Mall food court
"Every day is a bonus"
Fire alarm at the New York Transit Museum
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