Water fountain at Troutville rest area
Glenwood Sunday Market [01]
Glenwood Sunday Market [02]
Sandy Point State Park [17]
Sandy Point State Park [18]
Sandy Point State Park [39]
Sandy Point State Park [40]
Sandy Point State Park [52]
Sandy Point State Park [53]
Nachos from Busboys and Poets
Half & half at Giant Food
Seagrams Escapes
Diet Coke and Coca-Cola Zero bottles at Target
Beverage glass at El Gran Puerto
Edwards pull station at Olney Indoor Swim Center [03]
Giant Food #2304 [02]
Giant Food #2304 [07]
Discarded bottles of Absolut vodka
Southwest end of Tanglewood Mall, from second floor
Diet Pepsi
IKEA boxed drinks
Crystal Pepsi
Discarded Pepsi can [03]
Discarded Pepsi can [02]
Discarded Pepsi can [01]
Evolution Fresh drink
North Market Pop Shop
Bottle of Lipton tea on the boardwalk [02]
Bottle of Lipton tea on the boardwalk [01]
5-Hour Energy
Cow drinking out of a toilet
Closed Starbucks store at Target
Cheerwine at soda fountain
Fountain drinks closed at Sheetz [01]
Fountain drinks closed at Sheetz [02]
No reusable cups allowed at Wawa
Shoppers in Westminster, Maryland [02]
Silk pumpkin spice almond milk
Soft drink cooler at Sunoco station
Soft drinks at Giant Food
Open bottle of Gatorade at Giant Food
Beer can in a trash bag
Remodel of Walmart Supercenter in Martinsburg, West Virginia [25]
Dairy aisle at Giant Food store in Montrose Crossing [02]
Dairy aisle at Giant Food store in Montrose Crossing [01]
Dairy aisle at Giant Food store in Montrose Crossing [03]
Interior of Victor's Liquors
"This register is closed"
Bottles of soda at Egg Harbor Walmart [01]
Bottles of soda at Egg Harbor Walmart [02]
Bottles of soda at Egg Harbor Walmart [03]
Beverage aisle at Egg Harbor Walmart
Red Bull vending machine
Dr Pepper cotton candy
Bottles of Soylent drinks
Cans of Mountain Dew Rise [01]
Cans of Mountain Dew Rise [03]
Cans of Mountain Dew Rise [02]
Woomy and GFuel
Tea on tap
Stain on the sidewalk outside Ross
Sodas at H Mart in Gaithersburg
7-Eleven store in Manassas, Virginia [02]
Cup of milk from Moo Thru
Abandoned drink cup on a sign
Cans of GFuel at Sheetz [01]
Cans of GFuel at Sheetz [02]
Faded Coke bottles
Mascot for National Bohemian beer at the Crab Bag
Sign for ABC Liquor
Photographing the sign for ABC Liquor
Sign for Graffiti Bar [01]
Sign for Graffiti Bar [02]
Sign for Graffiti Bar [03]
Cushwa Brewing Company
Ball-shaped Coke bottles
Caffeine free Mountain Dew
Woomy looks at styrofoam cups at Sheetz
Woomy, stuffed into a styrofoam cup
Discarded Cook Out cup