"Do not feed the birds" sign
Apartment balcony decorated for Halloween
Clock tower on Richmond Main Street Station [01]
Clock tower on Richmond Main Street Station [02]
COVID-era signage still in place at Jackson station
CTA California station (Green Line)
CTA Davis station [01]
CTA Davis station [02]
CTA Davis station [03]
CTA Quincy station
CTA Red Line train at Belmont
CTA signal A59 at Jackson station [01]
CTA signal A59 at Jackson station [02]
Detroit People Mover token [01]
Detroit People Mover token [02]
Directional sign at Jackson station
Elyse enjoys the CTA heat lamps at Howard [01]
Elyse enjoys the CTA heat lamps at Howard [02]
Elyse gives a look to the camera
Elyse gives the finger
Entrance to Fort/Cass station
Exit for Lake station
Green Line train at Morgan Station
Interior of BRT car 1404
Kyle poses for the camera
Metro tracks over Cabin Branch Road
People Mover sign outside Fort/Cass station
Platform at Fort/Cass station
Purple Line train at Davis station [01]
Purple Line train at Davis station [02]
Red Line platform at Jackson station [01]
Red Line platform at Jackson station [02]
Signal FT8 at 15th Street station
Skokie Swift at Howard
Trackside signage at Fort/Cass station
Train arriving at Jackson station
Train at 15th Street station
Train at Frankford Transportation Center [01]
Train at Frankford Transportation Center [02]
Train at Frankford Transportation Center [03]
Train departs Chicago station
View east from Roosevelt platform
View west from Roosevelt platform
Vintage New York Subway signage [01]
WMATA Breda 3000-Series car on D Route Bridge
Yellow Line tracks north of Huntington station
Yellow Line train in approach to Huntington station