WMATA Breda 3000-Series car on D Route Bridge
New Carrollton rail yard
Broken window at military recruitment center
Fire alarm hanging by conduit
Pink Zipper slide
Branch Avenue shops [02]
Branch Avenue shops [01]
Robert E. Lee High School
Glenmont West Parking Garage
Charging phones at Westfield Wheaton
Montgomery Tennisplex
Former tourist information center building
Cooper Notification (Wheelock) plant [03]
Cooper Notification (Wheelock) plant [02]
Cooper Notification (Wheelock) plant [01]
Reston Town Center parking garage stairs
Martin's Caterers [01]
Martin's Caterers [02]
Johns Hopkins Hospital [01]
Johns Hopkins Hospital [02]
View from Johns Hopkins Hospital [01]
View from Johns Hopkins Hospital [02]
WMATA Northern bus garage
Rusted water tower at Lorton Reformatory [01]
Rusted water tower at Lorton Reformatory [02]
Rusted water tower at Lorton Reformatory [03]
Power plant at Lorton Reformatory [01]
Power plant at Lorton Reformatory [02]
Power plant at Lorton Reformatory [03]
Former sign structure at Lorton Reformatory
Light switch at Lorton Reformatory
Window air conditioner at Lorton Reformatory [01]
Window air conditioner at Lorton Reformatory [02]
Abandoned utility pole at Lorton Reformatory
Rusted water tower at Lorton Reformatory [04]
Cobrahead light at Lorton Reformatory
Guard tower at Lorton Reformatory [01]
Guard tower at Lorton Reformatory [02]
Guard tower at Lorton Reformatory [03]
Guard tower at Lorton Reformatory [04]
Guard tower at Lorton Reformatory [05]
Guard tower at Lorton Reformatory, at sunset [06]
Guard tower at Lorton Reformatory, at sunset [07]
Guard tower at Lorton Reformatory, at sunset [08]
Broken windows at Lorton Reformatory [01]
Broken windows at Lorton Reformatory [02]
Abandoned electrical device
Western Maryland Scenic Railroad yard and shops [02]
Western Maryland Scenic Railroad yard and shops [01]
Sign for The Inn at Afton [01]
Sign for The Inn at Afton [03]
The Inn at Afton, 2017
Sign for The Inn at Afton [02]
Sign for The Inn at Afton [04]
Pro-Trump graffiti [01]
Former tourist information center
Abandoned hotel swimming pool
Pro-Trump graffiti [02]
Guestroom corridor at The Inn at Afton
Former Royal Street bus division [03]
Former Royal Street bus division [04]
Former Royal Street bus division [02]
Former Royal Street bus division [01]
Simulated fire alarm
Regional Hospital of Scranton chapel
Fire alarm bell and strobe at Geisinger Community Medical Center
Fire alarm chime and strobe at Geisinger Community Medical Center
Fire alarm pull station at Geisinger Community Medical Center [01]
Fire alarm pull station at Geisinger Community Medical Center [02]
Peter Munk Cardiac Centre at Toronto General Hospital [01]
Peter Munk Cardiac Centre at Toronto General Hospital [03]
Peter Munk Cardiac Centre at Toronto General Hospital [02]
JW Event Center
USS Kearsarge at General Dynamics NASSCO facility [02]
USS Kearsarge at General Dynamics NASSCO facility [01]
Ondura water tower [01]
Ondura water tower [02]
USS Jason Dunham at General Dynamics NASSCO facility [01]
USS Jason Dunham at General Dynamics NASSCO facility [02]
DeJarnette Center, 2020 [11]