Wasabi at Tysons Corner Center [01]
Wasabi at Tysons Corner Center [02]
Area under renovation at Fair Oaks Mall [01]
Area under renovation at Fair Oaks Mall [02]
Buttons on Bloomingdale's elevator
Wheelock 34T at Macy's
Fire alarm strobe at Tysons II
Demolition of Spring Mall Building [08]
Demolition of Spring Mall Building [07]
Demolition of Spring Mall Building [06]
Demolition of Spring Mall Building [05]
Demolition of Spring Mall Building [04]
Demolition of Spring Mall Building [03]
Demolition of Spring Mall Building [02]
Demolition of Spring Mall Building [01]
Closed Apple Store at Tysons Corner Center [01]
Closed Apple Store at Tysons Corner Center [02]
Closed Apple Store at Tysons Corner Center [03]
Signage at entrance to Lush
Wasabi conveyor belt
Leather face mask at mall kiosk
Face shield and Versace mask
Former Microsoft Store at Tysons Corner Center [01]
Former Microsoft Store at Tysons Corner Center [02]
Former Microsoft Store at Tysons Corner Center [03]
Montgomery Escalator floor plate
Down escalator sign at Bloomingdale's
Pandemic signage at Tysons Corner Center
Closing Justice store at Tysons Corner [01]
Closing Justice store at Tysons Corner [02]
Closing Justice store at Tysons Corner [03]
Closing Justice store at Tysons Corner [04]
Entrance closed at L.L. Bean
Sign about disposable gloves
Soft drinks at Giant Food
Fitting rooms closed at Forever 21
Unsafe sign on an escalator
Windsor will be closed on Thanksgiving
Part of a former Brookstone at Fair Oaks Mall
Open bottle of Gatorade at Giant Food
Elyse plays a round of Galaga
Fingers on my left hand
COVID sign at Cartoon Cuts
Discarded Twix wrapper [02]
Power outlets at Fair Oaks Mall [01]
Discarded Twix wrapper [01]
Discarded Twix wrapper [03]
Power outlets at Fair Oaks Mall [03]
Power outlets at Fair Oaks Mall [04]
Power outlets at Fair Oaks Mall [05]
BoxLunch at Fair Oaks Mall
Power outlets at Fair Oaks Mall [02]
Home Depot in Reston, Virginia [01]
Home Depot in Reston, Virginia [02]
Harris Teeter in Reston, Virginia