Million Worker March [04]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [03]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [09]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [07]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [15]
Inauguration protest, 2005 [24]
Lifeguard stand with surf warning flag out
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [30]
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [02]
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [01]
Crawford's Museum [01]
Crawford's Museum [02]
J27 Anti-War Demonstration [14]
Resist the Greenscare march [02]
Metrobus stop at Glenmont [03]
Metrobus stop at Glenmont [02]
Metrobus stop at Glenmont [01]
Metrobus stop flag at Rosslyn
Funk the War 8 [13]
Funk the War 8 [11]
National Equality March [37]
March 20, 2010 anti-war march [07]
March 20, 2010 anti-war march [06]
K Street NW
Anti-War Anniversary March [13]
Metrobus stop flag for X2 route
Ride On bus stop flag
Ride On sign graffiti
Fallen Ride On bus stop sign
Forward on Climate Rally [90]
Mars Cheese Castle sign [03]
Mars Cheese Castle sign [04]
Mars Cheese Castle sign [01]
Mars Cheese Castle sign [02]
South side of Maryland House
Exterior of Chesapeake House [01]
7th Street and Independence Avenue SW
McDonald's on Frederick Road
"Welcome to North Carolina" sign
Rosewood Fire Department
Trucker convoy
Bus stop on Nicholson Lane [01]
Bus stop on Nicholson Lane [01]
Bus stop on Nicholson Lane [01]
Bus stop on Nicholson Lane [01]
Mailbox atop a tall pole [01]
Mailbox atop a tall pole [02]
Mailbox atop a tall pole [03]
Bus stop at West Church Avenue and South Gay Street
620 South Gay Street
Bus stop marker on Shelby Street
American flag over Pal's in Abingdon [01]
American flag over Pal's in Abingdon [02]
Bus stop at Smithfield Street and Sixth Avenue
Eastgate Toll Plaza
Bus stop sign at Greenbelt station
White Castle in Howell, New Jersey
Suck Bang Blow [01]