Flowering tree on the campus of James Madison University
Flower bud on a tree [02]
Flower bud on a tree [01]
Alice Swanson ghost bike
Lily at Lincoln Park Zoo
Dandelion on DeJarnette property [01]
Dandelion on DeJarnette property [02]
Turk's Cap Lily
Hybrid Rugosa Rose [02]
Hybrid Rugosa Rose [01]
Rosa Dainty Bess (with bee)
American Water Lotus
Sunshine Hollyhock [03]
Sunshine Hollyhock [02]
Sunshine Hollyhock [01]
Sweet William
Day-Blooming Tropical Waterlily
Dandelion [01]
Dandelion [02]
Dandelion [03]
IKEA boxed drinks
Outlet with exposed wiring
Dandelion seed head [02]
Dandelion seed head [01]
Confederate Breastworks sign
Large dandelion next to Coles Run Reservoir [01]
Large dandelion next to Coles Run Reservoir [02]
Large dandelion next to Coles Run Reservoir [03]
Produce department at Walmart in Waynesboro, Virginia
Office at 275 South 12th Street
Dandelion along the Virginia Capital Trail [01]
Dandelion along the Virginia Capital Trail [02]
Cherry blossom train at New Carrollton
Sign regarding sauce at Chicken Now
Tulipa agenesis