Taco salad at McLoone's Pier House
Wawa donuts [01]
Wawa donuts [02]
Wawa donuts [03]
Nachos from Busboys and Poets
IKEA meatballs
Dunkin Donuts in Laurel, Maryland
Neon sign at Giant Food in Laurel, Maryland [05]
Neon sign at Giant Food in Laurel, Maryland [12]
Neon sign at Giant Food in Laurel, Maryland [11]
Neon sign at Giant Food in Laurel, Maryland [10]
Neon sign at Giant Food in Laurel, Maryland [09]
Neon sign at Giant Food in Laurel, Maryland [08]
Neon sign at Giant Food in Laurel, Maryland [07]
Neon sign at Giant Food in Laurel, Maryland [06]
Neon sign at Giant Food in Laurel, Maryland [04]
Neon sign at Giant Food in Laurel, Maryland [03]
Neon sign at Giant Food in Laurel, Maryland [02]
Neon sign at Giant Food in Laurel, Maryland [01]
Chocolate chip cookies [01]
Chocolate chip cookies [02]
Chocolate chip cookies [03]
Jars of lingonberry fruit spread at IKEA
Cameron's Seafood Restaurant
Cans of Campbell's soup [01]
Cans of Campbell's soup [02]
Cans of Campbell's soup [03]
"A man's dreams are an index to his greatness."
Giant Food at Beltway Plaza
Green smoothie from Tropical Smoothie Cafe
Swedish meatballs meal from IKEA