Ho Sai Gai
Man with open briefcase on the Metro
Half & half at Giant Food
Two-tiered shopping cart
Former Giant Food at Plaza Del Mercado [01]
Former Giant Food at Plaza Del Mercado [02]
BBQ Chicken Salad
Aisle 6 at Four Corners Safeway
Aisle 5 at Four Corners Safeway
Produce section at Four Corners Safeway
Deli case at Giant Food
Grey Poupon
EST pull station
Former Glenmont KFC [02]
Former Glenmont KFC [01]
Boston Market in Aspen Hill, Maryland
Banana peel at East Falls Church station
No self service at 7-Eleven
McDonald's cash register during pandemic
Silk pumpkin spice almond milk
Aunt Jemima buttermilk pancake mix
Woomy joins me for breakfast [01]
Abandoned breakfast at East Falls Church station [02]
Abandoned breakfast at East Falls Church station [01]
Fire alarm pull station at Food Lion in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia
Chopped liver at Parkway Deli
Silver Line cookie
Bouillon cubes at Bulk Barn