Former Howard Johnson's on Afton Mountain [04]
Former Howard Johnson's on Afton Mountain [05]
Former Howard Johnson's on Afton Mountain [06]
Former Howard Johnson's on Afton Mountain [01]
Sign for Howard Johnson's Restaurant
"WEL COME" at Afton Howard Johnson's
Former Howard Johnson's on Afton Mountain [03]
Former Howard Johnson's on Afton Mountain [02]
Former Howard Johnson's on Afton Mountain [07]
Former Howard Johnson's on Afton Mountain [08]
Breezewood, Pennsylvania
Denny's Classic Diner
Chinatown fish market [01]
Chinatown fish market [04]
Chinatown fish market [03]
Chinatown fish market [02]
Frozen food aisle at Giant Food in Wheaton, Maryland
Funnel cake [01]
Funnel cake [02]
Whole Foods in Lincoln Park
Giant Food, Burtonsville, Maryland
Taco salad at McLoone's Pier House
Colossal donuts from Shoppers
Gorilla at the Lincoln Park Zoo [02]
Lighted arrow on Uncle Julio's building
Corn cob at Natural Bridge
Shopping cart on Park Street
Wawa donuts [01]
Wawa donuts [02]
Wawa donuts [03]
Nachos from Busboys and Poets
Half & half at Giant Food
Middle aisle at Walmart on Richmond Highway
Cart at The Cheese Shop
Walmart Supercenter in Front Royal, Virginia
BBQ Chicken Salad
Shopping cart at Ellicott City Walmart
Walmart Supercenter in Ellicott City
Aisle 6 at Four Corners Safeway
Aisle 5 at Four Corners Safeway
Produce section at Four Corners Safeway
Giant Food #2304 [05]
Exactly what it says on the tin
Edwards 270A-SPO at Whole Foods Market
Whole Foods Market in Columbia, Maryland
IKEA meatballs
Inside of Cadbury Creme Egg
Interior of Chesapeake House
Martin's in Cumberland, Maryland [01]
Martin's in Cumberland, Maryland [02]
Chatillon produce scale
EST pull station
IKEA meatballs and mashed potatoes [01]
IKEA meatballs and mashed potatoes [02]
IKEA meatballs and mashed potatoes [03]
IKEA boxed drinks
Dunkin Donuts in Rockville, Maryland [02]
Dunkin Donuts in Rockville, Maryland [01]
Former Wendy's in Frederick, Maryland
Toy Store in Glen Burnie
Food on parking lot
Community Aid Thrift Store [02]
Community Aid Thrift Store [01]
Wendy's in Hanover, Pennsylvania
Duck Donuts order form
Falafel balls
Candy apples
McDonald's on Frederick Road
Pull station at Rockville Whole Foods [04]
Pull station at Rockville Whole Foods [03]
Pull station at Rockville Whole Foods [02]
Pull station at Rockville Whole Foods [01]
Chicken wedgie from Bellisario's Pizza
Aisle at European Market
Cans of beans at Roots Market
Cans of Amy's soup at Roots Market
Wegmans in Columbia, Maryland [02]
Wegmans in Columbia, Maryland [01]
Banana peel at East Falls Church station
Ghost pepper peanuts