Podiatry chair at Montgomery General Hospital
Selfie in the podiatry chair
Buffalo Gap Middle and High Schools [01]
Buffalo Gap Middle and High Schools [02]
Buffalo Gap Middle and High Schools [03]
Buffalo Gap Middle and High Schools [04]
Buffalo Gap Middle and High Schools [05]
Buffalo Gap Middle and High Schools [06]
Buffalo Gap Middle and High Schools [07]
Buffalo Gap Middle and High Schools [08]
Buffalo Gap Middle and High Schools [09]
Buffalo Gap Middle and High Schools [10]
Norfolk Southern Gregson Street Overpass [01]
Norfolk Southern Gregson Street Overpass [02]
12'4" low clearance warning sign [01]
12'4" low clearance warning sign [02]
11-foot-8 camera
Street signs for South Gregson Street and West Peabody Street
Standing in front of my drone