Code Pink protester outside White House
April 12, 2003 anti-war protest [18]
April 12, 2003 anti-war protest [09]
Crowd at anti-war protest outside of Arlington National Cemetery
Woman wearing black bandanna
Free Republic counter-protest outside of Arlington National Cemetery
Woman photographing protest
Roses on replica coffins
Rose on replica coffin
Inauguration protest, 2005 [28]
Alberto Gonzales confirmation demonstration [05]
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [29]
September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [11]
No Armageddon For Bush [09]
No Armageddon For Bush [10]
No Armageddon For Bush [01]
No Armageddon For Bush [02]
No Armageddon For Bush [05]
No Armageddon For Bush [04]
No Armageddon For Bush [03]
No Armageddon For Bush [06]
No Armageddon For Bush [07]
No Armageddon For Bush [08]
Code Pink demonstration on July 4 [03]
Code Pink demonstration on July 4 [05]
Code Pink demonstration on July 4 [02]
Code Pink demonstration on July 4 [04]
Code Pink demonstration on July 4 [01]
September 15, 2007 anti-war march [09]
September 15, 2007 anti-war march [11]
September 15, 2007 anti-war march [10]
September 15, 2007 anti-war march [12]
September 15, 2007 anti-war march [13]
September 15, 2007 anti-war march [01]
September 15, 2007 anti-war march [02]
September 15, 2007 anti-war march [03]
September 15, 2007 anti-war march [05]
September 15, 2007 anti-war march [04]
September 15, 2007 anti-war march [07]
September 15, 2007 anti-war march [06]
September 15, 2007 anti-war march [08]
Funk the War 3 [11]
Funk the War 3 [07]
Funk the War 3 [08]
Funk the War 3 [06]
Funk the War 3 [10]
Funk the War 3 [09]
Funk the War 3 [05]
Funk the War 3 [04]
Funk the War 3 [03]
Funk the War 3 [02]
Funk the War 3 [01]
G20 Economic Summit protest [05]
G20 Economic Summit protest [04]
G20 Economic Summit protest [03]
Funk the War 7 [03]
Funk the War 7 [02]
Funk the War 7 [05]
Funk the War 7 [04]
Funk the War 7 [01]
March on Crystal City [51]
March on Crystal City [29]
March on Crystal City [16]
Funk the War 8 [06]
Funk the War 8 [13]
Funk the War 8 [04]
Funk the War 8 [08]
Funk the War 8 [10]
Funk the War 8 [12]
Funk the War 8 [05]
Funk the War 8 [09]
Funk the War 8 [11]
Funk the War 8 [03]
Funk the War 8 [07]
Funk the War 8 [14]
Funk the War 8 [01]
Funk the War 8 [02]
Funk the War 9 [17]
Funk the War 9 [16]
Funk the War 9 [15]