Retired engine for Plymouth Fire Company [01]
Prince William County Police cruiser
2nd Avenue Value Stores
Monongalia County Sheriff's Department cruiser
Ford Edge at the car wash
Ford Focus with "BOOBOOX" license plate
View down East Beverley Street
Vintage Seagrave fire truck at Churchville Volunteer Fire Department [01]
Vintage Seagrave fire truck at Churchville Volunteer Fire Department [02]
Vintage Seagrave fire truck at Churchville Volunteer Fire Department [03]
Sign for Glossbrenner United Methodist Church
Ford Mustang Mach-E at Wegmans
Ford Thunderbird in front of Walmart
Pink Ford Thunderbird at Wintergreen Plaza [01]
Pink Ford Thunderbird at Wintergreen Plaza [02]
Collier Motors AMC [10]
Reese Sign Services facility [06]
Vintage Ford tractor in Capron, Virginia
Staunton Mall demolition progress [24]
Catalyst Hot Dogs van in Derwood, Maryland
Model of Corey LaJoie's Trump 2020 racecar [02]
Model of Corey LaJoie's Trump 2020 racecar [01]
1951 Ford 8N tractor [01]
1951 Ford 8N tractor [02]
Traffic along Callahan Drive in early evening
Pittsburgh School Police cruiser [02]
Pittsburgh School Police cruiser [01]
Car accident on GW Parkway [03]
Entrance to The Henry Ford
First-generation Plymouth Voyager minivan
John F. Kennedy Presidential Limousine [01]
John F. Kennedy Presidential Limousine [02]
John F. Kennedy Presidential Limousine [03]
Howard Johnson's "Simple Simon and the Pieman" logo in neon
Holiday Inn "Great Sign" at The Henry Ford [01]
Holiday Inn "Great Sign" at The Henry Ford [02]
Replica of a Holiday Inn guest room
Vintage ice bucket, glasses, and tray
Rosa Parks bus at The Henry Ford [01]
Rosa Parks bus at The Henry Ford [02]
Rosa Parks bus at The Henry Ford [03]
Rosa Parks bus at The Henry Ford [04]
Oscar Mayer Wienermobile at The Henry Ford [01]
Oscar Mayer Wienermobile at The Henry Ford [02]
Oscar Mayer Wienermobile at The Henry Ford [03]
Men's restroom at The Henry Ford [02]
Men's restroom at The Henry Ford [03]
Men's restroom at The Henry Ford [01]
Ford Flex with a coating of something on its rear side
Van traverses a speed hump
Quality Optical [03]
R-VAN in Hampton, Virginia