Private property signage at George Washington Masonic National Memorial
No Armageddon For Bush [09]
No Armageddon For Bush [10]
No Armageddon For Bush [01]
No Armageddon For Bush [02]
No Armageddon For Bush [05]
No Armageddon For Bush [04]
No Armageddon For Bush [03]
No Armageddon For Bush [06]
No Armageddon For Bush [07]
No Armageddon For Bush [08]
Graffiti on the Aqueduct Bridge stub [03]
Graffiti on the Aqueduct Bridge stub [04]
Exxon station in King George, Virginia [02]
Exxon station in King George, Virginia [01]
Bull statue decorated for St. Patrick's Day [01]
Bull statue decorated for St. Patrick's Day [02]
Bull statue decorated for St. Patrick's Day [03]
Colonial Harley-Davidson
Staunton Reservoir and Dam [09]
Large dandelion next to Coles Run Reservoir [01]
Large dandelion next to Coles Run Reservoir [02]
Large dandelion next to Coles Run Reservoir [03]
Buoy in Coles Run Reservoir
Toilet at Sherando Lake
Restroom at Virginia Square-GMU station
Sign for Walmart and Super C
MCI Challenger motorcoach on Beard Street