Sign on old Watha T. Daniel Library
Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear [26]
Ride On sign graffiti
Occupancy prohibited
Welcome to the Real Fauquier County
Zoning notice
Toronto City Hall
Woomy looks at the sign advising of indoor dining ban
No indoor dining at Border Station
Capacity limit at the Walmart in Charles Town, West Virginia
Post office in Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania
Political sign about ballot questions
Unsafe sign on an escalator
"Caution: Uncompleted road not publicly maintained" [02]
"Caution: Uncompleted road not publicly maintained" [01]
Hopewell Municipal Building
Staunton Reservoir and Dam [01]
Staunton Reservoir and Dam [09]
Buoy in Coles Run Reservoir
Selfie with the Augusta County Industrial Sites sign
Augusta County Industrial Sites sign [01]
Augusta County Industrial Sites sign [02]
Augusta County Industrial Sites sign [03]
Augusta County Industrial Sites sign [04]
Augusta County Industrial Sites sign [05]
Augusta County Industrial Sites sign [06]
Stop work order at 320 West 15th Street
Construction signage on Parliament Hill
Pedestrian crossing sign on Parliament Hill
Speed limit sign on Parliament Hill
Bilingual stop sign on Parliament Hill [01]
Bilingual stop sign on Parliament Hill [02]
"SAFE SCHOOL ZONE" sign at Chicago and Wabash
Woomy mails a Christmas card
Santee Cooper plate on utility pole