Aerial view of the Pennsylvania State Capitol, above State Street
Aerial view of the Pennsylvania State Capitol [12]
Aerial view of the Pennsylvania State Capitol [10]
Aerial view of the Pennsylvania State Capitol [11]
Aerial view of the Pennsylvania State Capitol [06]
Aerial view of the Pennsylvania State Capitol [07]
Aerial view of the Pennsylvania State Capitol [08]
Aerial view of the Pennsylvania State Capitol [09]
Aerial view of the Pennsylvania State Capitol [05]
Aerial view of the Pennsylvania State Capitol [03]
Aerial view of the Pennsylvania State Capitol [04]
Aerial view of the Pennsylvania State Capitol [02]
Aerial view of the Pennsylvania State Capitol [01]
Pennsylvania State Capitol fron across the State Street Bridge [03]
Pennsylvania State Capitol fron across the State Street Bridge [01]
Pennsylvania State Capitol fron across the State Street Bridge [02]
Poff Federal Building [02]
Poff Federal Building [01]
Santee Cooper plate on utility pole
Woomy mails a Christmas card
Wilson Workforce and Rehabilitation Center
Gary, Indiana City Hall [02]
Gary, Indiana City Hall [01]
Justice Robert D. Rucker Superior Courthouse [02]
Justice Robert D. Rucker Superior Courthouse [01]
Elevator at Sherman Garden Apartments [03]
"SAFE SCHOOL ZONE" sign at Chicago and Wabash
Public notice for 2301 West Lawrence Avenue
John F. Kennedy Presidential Limousine [03]
John F. Kennedy Presidential Limousine [02]
John F. Kennedy Presidential Limousine [01]
Pittsburgh School Police cruiser [02]
Pittsburgh School Police cruiser [01]
Tulipa agenesis
Canadian flag in front of the Westin Ottawa
Selfie in front of the West Block [03]
Selfie in front of the West Block [02]
Selfie in front of the West Block [01]
Centennial Flame [09]
Centennial Flame [08]
Centennial Flame [06]
Centennial Flame [07]
Centennial Flame [04]
Centennial Flame [05]
Centennial Flame [03]
Centennial Flame [01]
Centennial Flame [02]
Canadian flag on Centre Block [02]
Canadian flag on Centre Block [01]
Peace Tower [04]
Peace Tower [02]
Peace Tower [03]
Centre Block [02]
Centre Block [03]
Peace Tower [01]
Centre Block [01]
Canadian flag flying outside of West Block [03]
Canadian flag flying outside of West Block [01]
Entrance to West Block building
Canadian flag flying outside of West Block [02]
West Block of Parliament [04]
West Block of Parliament [05]
West Block of Parliament [03]
West Block of Parliament [01]
West Block of Parliament [02]
Bilingual stop sign on Parliament Hill [02]
Sewer manhole cover on Parliament Hill
Bilingual stop sign on Parliament Hill [01]
Public restroom on Parliament Hill
Pedestrian crossing sign on Parliament Hill
Speed limit sign on Parliament Hill
Construction signage on Parliament Hill
Canadian flag on the Confederation Building
Confederation Building [03]
Lamppost outside of the Confederation Building
Confederation Building [02]
Confederation Building [01]
Parliamentary Protective Service vehicle
Parliament Hill viewed from the Canadian Museum of History [03]
Parliament Hill viewed from the Canadian Museum of History [04]