Woomy on the bed [06]
Gallon-sized jug of Great Value canola oil
Downtown Cumberland, Maryland [03]
Ollie's Bargain Outlet in Glen Burnie, Maryland
Rainbow over Chick-fil-A
L'Enfant Plaza station entrance pylon, February 2003
Escalators at L'Enfant Plaza station, Maryland Avenue entrance
L'Enfant Plaza station, viewed from Maryland Avenue mezzanine
L'Enfant Plaza Maryland Avenue mezzanine [01]
L'Enfant Plaza Maryland Avenue mezzanine [02]
Elyse ties her shoe
Traffic signals in Derwood, Maryland [03]
Traffic signals in Derwood, Maryland [01]
Traffic signals in Derwood, Maryland [02]
"DO NOT ENTER" and "ONE WAY" signs [01]
Rainbow Crocs
Stained glass at the Mormon Temple
Ever Forward [29]
Ever Forward [27]
Ever Forward [28]
Ever Forward [25]
Ever Forward [26]
Ever Forward [23]
Ever Forward [24]
Ever Forward [22]
Ever Forward [21]
Ever Forward [20]
Ever Forward [19]
Ever Forward [17]
Ever Forward [18]
Ever Forward [15]
Ever Forward [16]
Ever Forward [14]
Ever Forward [13]
Ever Forward [12]
Ever Forward [09]
Ever Forward [10]
Ever Forward [11]
Ever Forward [08]
Ever Forward [07]
Ever Forward [06]
Ever Forward [04]
Ever Forward [05]
Ever Forward [03]
Ever Forward [01]
Ever Forward [02]
Mannequin with gum eyes
Linkythorn Lane
Sign for Castle in the Sand Hotel
Sign for Dumser's Drive-In
Bottles of Soylent drinks
Woomy wears a hat
Woomy on the bed [05]
Fare machine for Ride On Flash bus
Ride On bus 46006D at Burtonsville Park & Ride [04]
Ride On bus 46006D at Burtonsville Park & Ride [05]
Ride On bus 46006D at Burtonsville Park & Ride [02]
Ride On bus 46006D at Burtonsville Park & Ride [03]
Ride On bus 46001D at Burtonsville Park & Ride [01]
Ride On bus 46001D at Burtonsville Park & Ride [02]
Ride On bus 46006D at Burtonsville Park & Ride [01]
Canned food at Maruichi
Woomy takes a nap
Woomy on the bed [04]
Soft drink cooler at Sunoco station
Woomy on the bed [03]
Woomy looks at Reddit
Woomy on the bed [02]
Woomy on the bed [01]
CNG fueling station at BWI [07]
CNG fueling station at BWI [06]
CNG fueling station at BWI [05]
CNG fueling station at BWI [04]
CNG fueling station at BWI [03]
CNG fueling station at BWI [02]
CNG fueling station at BWI [01]
Toys "R" Us trailer in Sandy Hook, Maryland [03]
Toys "R" Us trailer in Sandy Hook, Maryland [01]
Toys "R" Us trailer in Sandy Hook, Maryland [02]
Sign for Interstate 95 southbound at Maryland House