Inauguration protest, 2005 [08]
Zentai in front of the Washington Monument
Over 9000 Anon March [17]
Over 9000 Anon March [16]
Over 9000 Anon March [06]
March on Crystal City [54]
March on Crystal City [01]
Operation Sea Arrrgh 2009 [04]
Anonymous Ideal Org raid [18]
Anonymous Ideal Org raid [17]
Forward on Climate Rally [111]
Forward on Climate Rally [109]
Forward on Climate Rally [91]
Forward on Climate Rally [85]
Forward on Climate Rally [80]
Forward on Climate Rally [58]
Forward on Climate Rally [51]
Forward on Climate Rally [50]
Forward on Climate Rally [45]
Forward on Climate Rally [44]
Forward on Climate Rally [42]
Forward on Climate Rally [38]
Forward on Climate Rally [34]
Forward on Climate Rally [29]
Forward on Climate Rally [28]
Forward on Climate Rally [12]
Silver Spring Zombie Walk 2013 [46]
Silver Spring Zombie Walk 2013 [45]
Silver Spring Zombie Walk 2013 [31]
Silver Spring Zombie Walk 2013 [09]
Plungefest 2014 [49]
Plungefest 2014 [50]
Plungefest 2014 [51]
Woomy wearing a face mask as a hat
Skeleton with mask
Stuffed dinosaur wearing a mask
Cosplayers at Vienna station
Woman looking at her phone on the Metro [01]
Woman looking at her phone on the Metro [02]
Woman looking at her phone on the Metro [03]