Toe socks with flip-flops
McDonald's wrap on Metro railcars [01]
McDonald's wrap on Metro railcars [03]
McDonald's wrap on Metro railcars [02]
McDonald's wrap on Metro railcars [04]
Colorful rowhouses at 25th and M Streets NW [02]
Colorful rowhouses at 25th and M Streets NW [01]
March on Crystal City [51]
Road sign at intersection of US 1 and Joplin and Fuller Roads
Glenwood Sunday Market [04]
Glenwood Sunday Market [05]
SlutWalk DC 2011 [20]
Dolfin Winners swim jammer
Forward on Climate Rally [107]
Forward on Climate Rally [63]
Forward on Climate Rally [62]
Rosa Dainty Bess (with bee)
Hybrid Tea Rose
Purple Coneflower
American Water Lotus
Arc-en Ciel Waterlily
English Shrub Rose
Korean Abelialeaf
Montgomery Florist's Spiraea
Sweet William
Summer Wine Daylily [02]
Summer Wine Daylily [01]
Rose Beauty Japanese Thistle
Matthew Allen Dahlia [02]
Matthew Allen Dahlia [01]
Love Grandiflora Rose [02]
Love Grandiflora Rose [01]
Shoes at Olney Swim Center [03]
Shoes at Olney Swim Center [04]
Shoes at Olney Swim Center [05]
Shoes at Olney Swim Center [06]
Graffiti on the Aqueduct Bridge stub [01]
Graffiti on the Aqueduct Bridge stub [02]
Cherry blossoms
Perm & Color
Car wash foam treatment [03]
Car wash foam treatment [02]
Car wash foam treatment [01]
Neon signs at Bel Alton Motel [03]
Neon signs at Bel Alton Motel [02]
Neon signs at Bel Alton Motel [01]
Car wash foam treatment [04]
"Please use a tissue to make your selection"
"This register is closed"
Lychees at H Mart
Sign for Dumser's Drive-In
Carnival at Lawson Creek Park [01]
Carnival at Lawson Creek Park [02]
Carnival at Lawson Creek Park [13]
Donuts at Sheetz in Chantilly [02]
Donuts at Sheetz in Chantilly [01]
Pink Lady apples at Food Lion [01]
Pink Lady apples at Food Lion [02]
Stained glass at the Mormon Temple
Bridge carrying Clinch Street over World's Fair Park
Ingles in Greeneville, Tennessee [07]
Office at 275 South 12th Street
Sandwich from Pio Bagel
Lounge space at the Aloft in Brooklyn
Mokey from Fraggle Rock
Woomy checks out True North Bear
Nugateau eclairs at Hudson's Bay Queen Street
Honda HR-V at the body shop [01]
Honda HR-V at the body shop [02]
Honda HR-V at the body shop [03]
Honda HR-V at the body shop [04]
Art at Kohler Design Center
Green Line train at Morgan Station
Tree in bloom at Greenbelt
Luna moth at Greenbelt station