- McDonald's wrap on Metro railcars [02]
- McDonald's wrap on Metro railcars [04]
- Green Line train arriving at Fort Totten station
- College Park-University of Maryland station
- Train at Greenbelt station
- Ride On bus 5924 at Shady Grove
- Parking sign at Domino's Pizza
- Sign for Exit 268
- Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel, westbound [01]
- Shaw-Howard University pylon
- Buena Vista sign
- September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [13]
- September 24, 2005 anti-war protest [12]
- WMATA railcar 5026 at Fort Totten
- "Now Leasing" sign
- Traffic signal in Scott Circle
- Branch Avenue station from Capital Gateway Drive
- Green Line train entering tunnel portal
- Statue of Andrew Jackson [01]
- Humpback Rock, viewed from below
- O Street Giant Food store [01]
- O Street Giant Food store [02]
- Breezewood interchange from US 30 westbound
- South Breezewood Road
- Overhead sign for Interstate 70
- Mileage sign on US 30 in Breezewood [01]
- Mileage sign on US 30 in Breezewood [02]
- Overhead signage on US 30 in Breezewood
- Guest building at Days Inn in Breezewood
- Sac's sign
- Gateway Travel Plaza [01]
- Sign at the entrance to the Pennsylvania Turnpike in Breezewood [01]
- Sign at the entrance to the Pennsylvania Turnpike in Breezewood [02]
- Sign at the entrance to the Pennsylvania Turnpike in Breezewood [03]
- Two Sable wagons
- Equestrian statue of George Washington [02]
- Equestrian statue of George Washington [01]
- Second-generation Mercury Sable at Vienna Metro station
- Plaque at Raven's Roost overlook
- Interior of WMATA railcar 6026 [01]
- 6000-Series train at Fort Totten
- Metro 6000-Series threshold lighting
- 6000-Series train at Branch Avenue
- Metro 6000-Series cab windows
- Prince George's Plaza station
- Suitland station
- West Hyattsville station [02]
- Storm drain cover
- Train arriving at Anacostia station
- Car 5154 at Greenbelt station [01]
- Southern Avenue station
- WMATA 5000-Series operator's console
- Tracks at Prince George's Plaza station
- WMATA railcar 3208 at L'Enfant Plaza station [02]
- Prince George's Plaza station signage [02]
- Prince George's Plaza station signage [01]
- Storm drain cover at Greenbelt station
- Interlocking signal at Anacostia station
- WMATA railcar 3208 at L'Enfant Plaza station [01]
- Car 5154 at Greenbelt station [02]
- Blair House
- Traffic light along M Street NW
- Colorful rowhouses at 25th and M Streets NW [02]
- Colorful rowhouses at 25th and M Streets NW [01]
- Snow emergency route sign
- Lamppost in Georgetown, decorated for Christmas
- J27 Anti-War Demonstration [14]
- J27 Anti-War Demonstration [17]
- Broken window at military recruitment center
- Woman waiting at Fort Totten
- Duck in Columbus Circle fountain [01]
- Duck in Columbus Circle fountain [02]
- Resist the Greenscare march [02]
- Resist the Greenscare march [03]
- Resist the Greenscare march [04]
- Resist the Greenscare march [09]
- Resist the Greenscare march [07]
- Resist the Greenscare march [08]
- Resist the Greenscare march [06]
- Resist the Greenscare march [05]