Love lock on Harpers Ferry railroad bridge [04]
Love lock on Harpers Ferry railroad bridge [05]
Potomac River viewed from Hilltop House
Abandoned electric meter
Pedestrian walkway on CSX Cumberland Subdivision bridge
Intersection of Shenandoah and Potomac Streets in Harpers Ferry
Waiting room at Harpers Ferry train station
Railroad tracks through Harpers Ferry
View from Hilltop House
Rocks in the Potomac River [01]
Rocks in the Potomac River [02]
Rocks in the Potomac River [03]
Rocks in the Potomac River [04]
Rocks in the Potomac River [05]
Potomac River from US 340 bridge [03]
Potomac River from US 340 bridge [04]
Potomac River from US 340 bridge [05]
Safer at home sign in Harpers Ferry [01]
Safer at home sign in Harpers Ferry [02]
Reserved parking spot with handmade sign [01]
Reserved parking spot with handmade sign [02]