Discarded spray paint can [14]
Discarded spray paint can [15]
Discarded spray paint can [16]
Discarded spray paint can [17]
Abandoned couch on the Graffiti Highway [02]
Abandoned couch on the Graffiti Highway [03]
Flag in a crack in the pavement [03]
Flag in a crack in the pavement [02]
Flag in a crack in the pavement [01]
Abandoned couch on the Graffiti Highway [04]
Abandoned couch on the Graffiti Highway [05]
Graffiti Highway, facing south [01]
Graffiti Highway, facing south [02]
Graffiti Highway, facing north [08]
Abandoned couch on the roadside [01]
Abandoned couch on the roadside [02]
Rift in the former Route 61 [03]
Rift in the former Route 61 [02]
Rift in the former Route 61 [01]
Graffiti Highway, facing north [09]
Purple face
Yellow head with stamp on tongue
Graffiti Highway, facing south [03]
Graffiti Highway, facing south [04]
Ringed planet
Graffiti Highway, facing north [10]
Graffiti Highway, facing south [05]
Graffiti Highway, facing north [11]
"Super S"
Discarded spray paint can [18]
Crying heart
Graffiti-covered guardrail
Graffiti Highway, facing south [06]
Alien giving two middle fingers
"MEOW" tag
"Ben" from 215
"CHZ" graffiti tag
Graffiti Highway, facing south [07]
North end of the Graffiti Highway
Graffiti-covered tree [01]
Partially cut tree limb
Graffiti-covered tree [02]
Graffiti-covered trees
View from Dirt Farm Brewing [02]
View from Dirt Farm Brewing [01]
Fire alarm pull station at Citizens Building [03]
Court and High Streets
Fire alarm pull station at Citizens Building [01]
Fire alarm pull station at Citizens Building [02]
Fire alarm horn/strobe at Citizens Building
Sideling Hill cut
Sign assembly in Marathon, New York [03]
Sign assembly in Marathon, New York [02]
Sign assembly in Marathon, New York [01]
Composting toilet at a rest area
Elyse in Centralia
Tagging the Graffiti Highway
Elyse checks her phone
"Stay Out, Stay Alive" sign at Centralia
Intersection of Trumps Hill Road and Crain Highway
Streetcar on College Street [01]
The Simpson Tower [01]
The Sheraton Centre [02]
The Sheraton Centre [04]
The Sheraton Centre [05]
The Sheraton Centre [01]
The Sheraton Centre [03]
Streetcar on College Street [03]
Streetcar on College Street [02]
2180 Yonge Street [01]
Loading dock at 2180 Yonge Street
Entrance to 2180 Yonge Street [04]
Entrance to 2180 Yonge Street [03]
Entrance to 2180 Yonge Street [01]
Apartment buildings under construction [01]
Entrance to 2180 Yonge Street [02]