The Liberty Bell
PRR 4859
Union Pacific Big Boy locomotive X4012 [01]
Union Pacific Big Boy locomotive X4012 [02]
Canadian National No. 47
Reading Company 902
Reading Company 903 [01]
Reading Company 903 [02]
4th Maine Infantry memorial [01]
4th Maine Infantry memorial [02]
4th Maine Infantry memorial [03]
4th Maine Infantry memorial [04]
4th Maine Infantry memorial [05]
4th Maine Infantry memorial [06]
4th Maine Infantry memorial [07]
4th Maine Infantry memorial [08]
Tree at Devil's Den
Elyse sits on a rock [01]
Elyse sits on a rock [02]
Rocks at Devil's Den
Sign for Devil's Den
"WRONG WAY" sign at Devil's Den [01]
"WRONG WAY" sign at Devil's Den [02]
Lobby of George Washington Hotel
Aisle at Target in downtown Pittsburgh