Plumb House [03]
Pelham neighborhood in Waynesboro, Virginia
Essex Place, Candle Ridge, and Picton of Birlstone [02]
Ravenglass Way [02]
Essex Place and Candle Ridge
Montgomery Village, facing approximately west [01]
Essex Place, Candle Ridge, and Picton of Birlstone [03]
Ravenglass Way [06]
Hawk Run Terrace
The Reach
Ravenglass Way [04]
Ravenglass Way [03]
Ravenglass Way [01]
Essex Place, Candle Ridge, and Picton of Birlstone [01]
Montgomery Village, facing approximately west [02]
Ravenglass Way [05]
Picton of Birlstone and Glenbrooke
Neighborhood in Culpeper, Virginia
Downtown Gettysburg, Pennsylvania [02]
Downtown Gettysburg, Pennsylvania [01]
Sign advertising one-bedroom apartments [02]
Sign advertising one-bedroom apartments [03]
Sign advertising one-bedroom apartments [04]
Sign advertising one-bedroom apartments [01]
Buildings along River Road in Newport News
Townhouses in Hampton, Virginia [01]
Townhouses in Hampton, Virginia [02]
Thomas Choice area of Montgomery Village
Courts of Whetstone area of Montgomery Village
View north from Montgomery Village
Dockside area of Montgomery Village
Lake Whetstone [01]
Lake Whetstone [02]
Lookout Place [01]
Lookout Place [02]
Montgomery Village, facing approximately west [03]
Montgomery Village, facing approximately west [04]
Picton of Birlstone [01]
Picton of Birlstone [02]
Garage fire on Dellcastle Road
Atlantic City from South Carolina Avenue, facing west
Atlantic City, near Pacific and Delaware Avenues [01]
Atlantic City from near the Tropicana, facing north
Atlantic City, near Pacific and Delaware Avenues [02]
Atlantic City from over the beach, facing north
Atlantic City boardwalk on east side of city
Atlantic City from near the Tropicana, facing west [01]
Atlantic City from Pacific and MLK, facing east [01]
Atlantic City from Pacific and MLK, facing east [02]
Atlantic City from Pacific and MLK, facing north
Ice block
Downtown Clifton Forge, Virginia
Neighborhood in Clifton Forge, Virginia [01]
Neighborhood in Clifton Forge, Virginia [02]
Sign for State Route 188 [02]
Sign for State Route 188 [03]
Sign for State Route 188 [04]
Sign for State Route 188 [05]
Sign for State Route 188 [06]
Neighborhoods in Covington, Virginia
CSX Clifton Forge rail yard [10]
Scott Hill Retirement Community [01]
Scott Hill Retirement Community [02]
East Main Street in Waynesboro, Virginia
West Broad Street at Staples Mill Road [01]
West Broad Street at Staples Mill Road [02]
East Main and Broad Streets in Waynesboro, Virginia
Mountain with a bare patch [02]
Farm on the Virginia-West Virginia border [01]
Mountain with a bare patch [01]
Stuarts Draft, Virginia above Wayne Avenue [02]
Stuarts Draft, Virginia above Wayne Avenue [03]
Ravenglass Way [07]
Essex Place and The Reach
Ravenglass Way [09]
Ravenglass Way [08]
Aerial view of Pennsville Township, New Jersey [02]
Aerial view of Pennsville Township, New Jersey [01]
Sunset over Sterling, Virginia [01]
Sunset over Sterling, Virginia [02]