Varner House
Fire alarm at United States Botanic Garden [02]
Fire alarm at United States Botanic Garden [01]
Fire alarm at United States Botanic Garden [03]
"Happy Birthday Jesus" lighting display
Crystal Place apartment building
Pigeon near the White House [02]
Pigeon near the White House [01]
Code Pink protester outside White House
Skywalk between Rosslyn Center and Metro elevator
Clock at Pentagon Row
The Waterside
Monticello [02]
Monticello [01]
Monticello [03]
Fountain at Pentagon Row
900 North Stuart Street
Arlington Temple United Methodist Church
Court House station [01]
Cigarette vending machine
Reconstruction of Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Adam Eidinger campaign sign
Harrisonburg Transit bus 55 at Varner House
The White House in late afternoon
Bedford County Courthouse
The Ellington
"Now Leasing" sign
Flag at House of the Temple
Brittany condominiums
Traffic signal in Scott Circle
West front of the Capitol [01]
West front of the Capitol [02]
West front of the Capitol [03]
West front of the Capitol [05]
West front of the Capitol [04]
Steeple at St. John's Episcopal Church [03]
Steeple at St. John's Episcopal Church [02]
Steeple at St. John's Episcopal Church [01]
2401 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Sable at House Mountain overlook [03]
View, House Mountain
Sable at House Mountain overlook [01]
View from House Mountain overlook
Sable at House Mountain overlook [02]
The White House, April 2006
Family House Restaurant [01]
Family House Restaurant [02]
Rick Hohensee for president [01]
No Armageddon For Bush [09]
No Armageddon For Bush [10]
No Armageddon For Bush [01]
No Armageddon For Bush [02]
No Armageddon For Bush [05]
No Armageddon For Bush [04]
No Armageddon For Bush [03]
No Armageddon For Bush [06]
No Armageddon For Bush [07]
No Armageddon For Bush [08]
Evan Almighty ark set [06]
National City Christian Church [01]
National City Christian Church [02]
National City Christian Church [03]
Cindy Sheehan outside of the White House
Blair House
Colorful rowhouses at 25th and M Streets NW [02]
Colorful rowhouses at 25th and M Streets NW [01]
34th and M Streets NW
Capitol dome from west side
Filming of Courting Condi [05]
Filming of Courting Condi [04]
Resist the Greenscare march [02]
Filming of Courting Condi [03]
Filming of Courting Condi [02]
Filming of Courting Condi [01]
Resist the Greenscare march [01]
Rick Hohensee for president [02]
Varner House at night
Television in an apartment
One NoMa Station
Anonymous DC August raid [01]