Varner House
Blair House
Plumb House [01]
Plumb House [02]
Lake Marion area of Montgomery Village
Linkythorn Lane
Thomas Choice area of Montgomery Village
Courts of Whetstone area of Montgomery Village
View north from Montgomery Village
Dockside area of Montgomery Village
Lake Whetstone [01]
Lake Whetstone [02]
Lookout Place [01]
Lookout Place [02]
Intersection of Montgomery Village Avenue and Midcounty Highway [03]
Intersection of Montgomery Village Avenue and Midcounty Highway [04]
Intersection of Montgomery Village Avenue and Midcounty Highway [05]
Midcounty Highway, facing east
Cider Mill Apartments
Alley between North Claremont and North Oakley Avenues [01]
Alley between North Claremont and North Oakley Avenues [02]
Alley between North Claremont and North Oakley Avenues [03]
Justice Robert D. Rucker Superior Courthouse [01]
Justice Robert D. Rucker Superior Courthouse [02]
420 Adams Street [01]
420 Adams Street [02]
420 Adams Street [03]
Ravenglass Way [10]
Sunset over Montgomery Village [01]
Sunset over Montgomery Village [02]
The Downs area in Montgomery Village
Townhouse dormer
Montgomery Village, facing east
Ravenglass Way [11]
Ravenglass Way [12]