Discarded spray paint can [18]
Crying heart
Graffiti-covered guardrail
Graffiti Highway, facing south [06]
Alien giving two middle fingers
"MEOW" tag
"Ben" from 215
"CHZ" graffiti tag
Graffiti Highway, facing south [07]
North end of the Graffiti Highway
Graffiti-covered tree [01]
Partially cut tree limb
Graffiti-covered tree [02]
Graffiti-covered trees
Montgomery Village tunnel #11
Sideling Hill cut
Elyse in Centralia
Tagging the Graffiti Highway
Elyse checks her phone
"Stay Out, Stay Alive" sign at Centralia
Power transmission lines in Montgomery Village [06]
Power transmission lines in Montgomery Village [05]
Power transmission lines in Montgomery Village [04]
Power transmission lines in Montgomery Village [03]
Power transmission lines in Montgomery Village [02]
Power transmission lines in Montgomery Village [01]
Bell Canada manhole cover [03]
Bell Canada manhole cover [02]
Bell Canada manhole cover [04]
Bell Canada manhole cover [01]
Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station [06]
AT&T Long Lines tower in Glen Allen, Virginia [01]
Signage for Exit 49 on Interstate 295 [05]
AT&T Long Lines tower in Glen Allen, Virginia [04]
AT&T Long Lines tower in Glen Allen, Virginia [03]
AT&T Long Lines tower in Glen Allen, Virginia [02]
Signage for Exit 49 on Interstate 295 [06]
Signage for Exit 49 on Interstate 295 [04]
Signage for Exit 49 on Interstate 295 [03]
Signage for Exit 49 on Interstate 295 [02]
AT&T Long Lines tower near Williamsburg, Virginia [08]
AT&T Long Lines tower near Williamsburg, Virginia [07]
AT&T Long Lines tower near Williamsburg, Virginia [06]
AT&T Long Lines tower near Williamsburg, Virginia [05]
AT&T Long Lines tower near Williamsburg, Virginia [04]
AT&T Long Lines tower near Williamsburg, Virginia [03]
AT&T Long Lines tower near Williamsburg, Virginia [02]
Signage for Exit 49 on Interstate 295 [01]
Power transmission lines in Frederick County [02]
Power transmission lines in Frederick County [01]
Ondura water tower [01]
Ondura water tower [02]
Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station [04]
Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station [05]
Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station [03]
Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station [02]
Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station [08]
Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station [07]
Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station [01]
Point of Rocks [01]
Point of Rocks [04]
AT&T Long Lines tower near Williamsburg, Virginia [01]
South Norfolk Jordan Bridge [02]
South Norfolk Jordan Bridge [01]
South Norfolk Jordan Bridge [04]
Vertical lift bridge across the Elizabeth River
South Norfolk Jordan Bridge [03]
Interstate 264 after Midtown Tunnel [01]
Interstate 264 after Midtown Tunnel [02]
Interstate 264 after Midtown Tunnel [04]
Interstate 264 after Midtown Tunnel [03]
Water tower in Savage, Maryland [04]
Water tower in Savage, Maryland [03]
Water tower in Savage, Maryland [02]
Water tower in Savage, Maryland [01]
Fire hydrant in Clarendon
Water tower at Waldorf Volunteer Fire Department [02]
Water tower at Waldorf Volunteer Fire Department [01]
Fire hydrant along Maryland 176