Payphones at New Market rest area
March on Crystal City [34]
March on Crystal City [29]
Occupancy prohibited
Welcome to the Real Fauquier County
Vintage Arby's Big Hat sign in Roanoke, Virginia [01]
Vintage Arby's Big Hat sign in Roanoke, Virginia [02]
Vintage Arby's Big Hat sign in Roanoke, Virginia [03]
Sheetz in Fishersville, Virginia, September 2014
"George Bush is a reptile"
Parking violation notice
Walmart jewelry department closed [01]
Walmart jewelry department closed [02]
Slush machine out of service
Interior of New Kent rest area, eastbound
Sign asking that customers limit purchases
Fountain drinks closed at Sheetz [01]
Fountain drinks closed at Sheetz [02]
Social distancing sign at Popeye's
COVID-19 signage at Patterson's Drug Store
Social distancing signage at Target
Face coverings required at Marshalls
Charlottesville Community Chalkboard, October 15, 2020 [02]
Charlottesville Community Chalkboard, October 15, 2020 [16]
Charlottesville Community Chalkboard, October 15, 2020 [30]
Samantha's Hair Dos and Don'ts
Unsafe sign on an escalator
"Littering is illegal" sign [01]
"Employees only" sign at Global Food
COVID-19 signage at New Grand Mart
Reminders about the baseball game
McDonald's kiosk closed for social distancing
Ford Focus with "BOOBOOX" license plate
COVID sign outside Staunton Public Library
Zero Effluent Discharge sign at Ivy rest area [02]
Zero Effluent Discharge sign at Ivy rest area [01]
Handwritten sign on a speaker
Arby's in Colonial Heights, Virginia
Vintage Arby's sign in Colonial Heights, Virginia [01]
Vintage Arby's sign in Colonial Heights, Virginia [02]
Vintage Arby's sign in Colonial Heights, Virginia [03]
City of Petersburg sticker on stop sign
Vintage Arby's sign in Colonial Heights, Virginia [04]
Vintage Arby's sign in Colonial Heights, Virginia [05]
Vintage Arby's sign in Colonial Heights, Virginia [06]
Vintage Arby's sign in Colonial Heights, Virginia [07]
Upper level exhibit space at Nauticus
Arby's on Virginia Beach Boulevard [01]
Arby's on Virginia Beach Boulevard [02]
Closed water fountains at Barnes & Noble
"Please do not disconnect. Speaker is part of fire system. Thank you."
"Is there a microchip in my scalp?"
"This bin isn't for trash" [01]
"This bin isn't for trash" [02]
"This bin isn't for trash" [03]
"This vehicle not for sale" [01]
"This vehicle not for sale" [02]
Non-Exxon kerosene
Graffiti at Fort Edward Johnson wayside
"Littering is illegal" sign [02]
Sticker advising not to remove the sign
"Jesus is coming soon"
"BOOM" on a nametag sticker
Panda Express fortune slip [04]
Sign for Wendy's and 7-Eleven in Verona, Virginia
Elevator phone at JCPenney in Greenbrier Mall
Timmy the Luggage Cart
Reserved parking spot with handmade sign [01]
Reserved parking spot with handmade sign [02]
Campus phone at Chandler Hall [01]