Code Pink demonstration on July 4 [03]
Code Pink demonstration on July 4 [05]
Code Pink demonstration on July 4 [02]
Code Pink demonstration on July 4 [04]
Code Pink demonstration on July 4 [01]
"Who you callin' a terrorist?"
Spy vs. Sci [02]
Spy vs. Sci [11]
Spy vs. Sci [10]
Spy vs. Sci [08]
Spy vs. Sci [07]
Spy vs. Sci [06]
Spy vs. Sci [05]
Spy vs. Sci [03]
Spy vs. Sci [01]
Shenandoah River tubing [03]
Woman sending a text message
Woman holds $20 bill during anti-Gaddafi protest
Stepping on photo of Muammar Gaddafi
Woman napping on the beach
Cloud Gate [03]
Cloud Gate self portrait
Three people on a pier
Woman laying on inner tube [01]
Woman laying on inner tube [02]
Mannequin at Unique Bazaar
Foot arch tattoo
Elyse in the back bedroom
DASH Orion V farewell [24]
DASH Orion V farewell [25]
DASH Orion V farewell [26]
DASH Orion V farewell [15]
Elyse and the Giant Microbes
Elyse holds up an MRE
Elyse is thoroughly amused
Elyse smiles on a bridge overlooking the Kittatinny Mountain Tunnel
Elyse photographs a streetlight [01]
Elyse photographs a streetlight [02]
Scrub Daddy retail store [13]
Scrub Daddy retail store [12]
Scrub Daddy retail store [11]
Scrub Daddy retail store [10]
Scrub Daddy retail store [09]
Scrub Daddy retail store [08]
Scrub Daddy retail store [07]
Scrub Daddy retail store [06]
Scrub Daddy retail store [05]
Scrub Daddy retail store [04]
Scrub Daddy retail store [03]
Scrub Daddy retail store [02]
Scrub Daddy retail store [01]
Elyse photographs an Edwards Integrity at Delaware House
Elyse points at a low-mounted fire alarm strobe
Elyse photographs a low-mounted fire alarm strobe
Selfie aboard N88327
Elyse checks out a blanket at Hudson's Bay Queen Street
Elyse reacts to the Nugateau eclairs at Hudson's Bay Queen Street
Mrs. Pennypacker puppet at the Myseum of Toronto [03]
Mrs. Pennypacker puppet at the Myseum of Toronto [01]
Mrs. Pennypacker puppet at the Myseum of Toronto [02]
Mrs. Pennypacker puppet at the Myseum of Toronto [04]
Mrs. Pennypacker puppet at the Myseum of Toronto [05]
Mrs. Pennypacker puppet at the Myseum of Toronto [06]
Mrs. Pennypacker puppet at the Myseum of Toronto [07]
Elyse makes a sock puppet
Elyse holds up a sock puppet
Cabin of N538EG
Elyse waits at Shady Grove
Elyse holds several lobster pillows