Former Waynesboro District Home [08]
Former Waynesboro District Home [06]
Former Waynesboro District Home [07]
Former Waynesboro District Home [04]
Former Waynesboro District Home [05]
Former Waynesboro District Home [02]
Former Waynesboro District Home [03]
Former Waynesboro District Home [01]
License plate on Chris's Coffee & Custard food truck
Cucumber in a basket
Toilet ashtray
The Smokey Griddle Pancake House [01]
The Smokey Griddle Pancake House [02]
View towards the Hampton Coliseum
Former CARTA bus 3424 [03]
"If your card don't work outside, please come inside and pay"
Old Navy Kids sign at Black Dog Salvage
Old Navy item of the week sign at Black Dog Salvage
Fire alarm at Market Parking Garage [02]
Fire alarm at Market Parking Garage [01]
Fire alarm at Lynchburg Public Elevator
Fire alarm horn at Webster Towers
Vintage fire alarm at the Dakota
Fire alarm at Primanti Bros. [01]
Fire alarm at Primanti Bros. [02]
Fire alarm speaker/strobe at Cathedral of Learning [02]
Fire alarm strobe in the basement of the Cathedral of Learning [03]
Fire alarm speaker/strobe at Cathedral of Learning [01]
Fire alarm strobe in the basement of the Cathedral of Learning [01]
Fire alarm strobe in the basement of the Cathedral of Learning [02]
Traffic signal at Fifth and Tennyson Avenues [02]
Traffic signal at Fifth and Tennyson Avenues [01]
PRT bus 6547 at Fifth and Tennyson Avenues
Dumpster painted in Super Mario theme
Walmart penny wars
Valley Discount
Wheelock fire alarm speaker at Sears in Frederick, Maryland [01]
Wheelock fire alarm speaker at Sears in Frederick, Maryland [02]
Sears in Frederick, Maryland
Autocall pull station at Whole Foods Market in Towson, Maryland [04]
Autocall pull station at Whole Foods Market in Towson, Maryland [03]
Autocall pull station at Whole Foods Market in Towson, Maryland [02]
Autocall pull station at Whole Foods Market in Towson, Maryland [01]
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [14]
Former Ames store at Diamond Point Plaza [13]
Reminder to always flush
Lynne Moran
The Amigo and the Kayee Moran
The Amigo [07]
DJI Air 2S at Fort Armistead Park
Striped cloth on the ground
MAGFest car
Rainbow Crocs
Signs at the end of Gerties Lane [02]
Signs at the end of Gerties Lane [01]
Signs at the end of Gerties Lane [03]
Armstrong Motel [03]
Armstrong Motel [04]
Armstrong Motel [01]
Armstrong Motel [02]
Vintage gas pump at McDowell Volunteer Fire Department
Farmland along the Virginia-West Virginia border
Farm on the Virginia-West Virginia border [02]
Farm on the Virginia-West Virginia border [01]
Bottle cap embedded in gravel [02]
Bottle cap embedded in gravel [01]
"Littering is illegal" sign [02]
Graffiti at Fort Edward Johnson wayside
Former Kmart in Charlottesville, Virginia [03]
Former Kmart in Charlottesville, Virginia [04]
Former Kmart in Charlottesville, Virginia [01]
Former Kmart in Charlottesville, Virginia [02]
Dry rubbed bacon at Whole Foods Market
Ground beef at Whole Foods Market
Bone-in beef tomahawk ribeye steak at Whole Foods Market
Lake Marion Community Center pool [06]
Lake Marion Community Center pool [05]
Wheelock AS in a cage [03]
Wheelock AS in a cage [02]