Emergency lighting at South Mountain rest area [01]
Emergency lighting at South Mountain rest area [02]
Platform pylon at East Falls Church station [03]
Platform pylon at East Falls Church station [02]
Platform pylon at East Falls Church station [01]
Purple streetlight at Jennings Chapel Road and Route 97 [04]
Purple streetlight at Jennings Chapel Road and Route 97 [01]
Purple streetlight at Jennings Chapel Road and Route 97 [02]
Purple streetlight at Jennings Chapel Road and Route 97 [06]
Purple streetlight at Jennings Chapel Road and Route 97 [05]
Purple streetlight at Jennings Chapel Road and Route 97 [03]
Historic wing lighting at Hotel 24 South
Camera screen at Walmart in Front Royal, Virginia
Traffic signal at Fulton and Jay Streets [01]
Traffic signal at Boerum Place and Livingston Street [02]
Traffic signal at Willoughby and Bridge Streets
Traffic signal at Willoughby and Jay Streets
Traffic signal at Fulton and Jay Streets [02]
Traffic signal at Boerum Place and Livingston Street [01]
Traffic signal at Fulton and Jay Streets [03]
Traffic signal at Boerum Place and Livingston Street [03]
Traffic signal at Lexington Avenue and East 41st Street
Walmart Supercenter on Terminal Avenue [05]
Walmart in Brockville, Ontario [09]
Lighting at Menards in Niles, Illinois
Coastal Car Wash [01]
Coastal Car Wash [02]
Coastal Car Wash [03]
Coastal Car Wash [04]
Coastal Car Wash [05]