Virginia Beach from Ocean Holiday [01]
Virginia Beach from Ocean Holiday [02]
Surf rescue vehicles on the beach [02]
Surf rescue vehicles on the beach [01]
Lifeguard stand with surf warning flag out
Lazy river at SplashDown Waterpark [02]
Lazy river at SplashDown Waterpark [01]
Lifesaving rowboat [02]
Lifesaving rowboat [01]
Sandy Point State Park [08]
Sandy Point State Park [12]
Sandy Point State Park [33]
Sandy Point State Park [34]
Sandy Point State Park [48]
Sandy Point State Park [49]
Forward on Climate Rally [32]
Kayakers on the James River
Canada goose on small island
Canada goose in the James River
Rafters on the James River
Woman laying on inner tube [01]
Woman laying on inner tube [02]
American Water Lotus
Arc-en Ciel Waterlily
Ultra Violet Tropical Waterlily [02]
Ultra Violet Tropical Waterlily [01]
Day-Blooming Tropical Waterlily
Heron at Chicago Botanic Garden [02]
Duck at Chicago Botanic Garden
Heron at Chicago Botanic Garden [01]
Lifesaving dummy at Chesapeake Beach Water Park
Lifeguard stand in Buxton [01]
Lifeguard stand in Buxton [02]
Beached mushroom cap jellyfish
Family pool at Chelsea Hotel [02]
Family pool at Chelsea Hotel [01]
Canada geese in the Schuylkill Canal [01]
Canada geese in the Schuylkill Canal [02]
Lazy river at SplashDown Waterpark [04]
Lazy river at SplashDown Waterpark [03]
Heron flying over the Hampton River [01]
Heron on a dock in Hampton, Virginia
Heron flying over the Hampton River [02]
Rudee Flipper [01]
Rudee Flipper [02]
Canada goose on the roof of Lakeforest Mall
Enchantment of the Seas [01]
Enchantment of the Seas [02]
Enchantment of the Seas [03]
Enchantment of the Seas [04]
Enchantment of the Seas [05]
Enchantment of the Seas [06]
Enchantment of the Seas [07]
Enchantment of the Seas [08]
Enchantment of the Seas [09]
Enchantment of the Seas [10]
Enchantment of the Seas [11]
Enchantment of the Seas [12]
Enchantment of the Seas [13]
Enchantment of the Seas [14]
Elyse listens to bubbles
Wheelock speaker and strobe at the National Aquarium
Wheelock strobe at the National Aquarium
Wood turtle at the National Aquarium
Elyse photographs David at the National Aquarium
Pacific sea nettle at the National Aquarium [01]
Pacific sea nettle at the National Aquarium [02]
Pacific sea nettle at the National Aquarium [03]
Pacific sea nettle at the National Aquarium [04]
Large dandelion next to Coles Run Reservoir [01]
Large dandelion next to Coles Run Reservoir [02]
Large dandelion next to Coles Run Reservoir [03]
Front wall of Gloucester Centre Walmart
Rescue boat on the MV New Jersey