American Water Lotus
Day-Blooming Tropical Waterlily
Heron at Chicago Botanic Garden [02]
Heron at Chicago Botanic Garden [01]
Lifesaving dummy at Chesapeake Beach Water Park
Lazy river at SplashDown Waterpark [04]
Lazy river at SplashDown Waterpark [03]
Rudee Flipper [01]
Rudee Flipper [02]
Enchantment of the Seas [01]
Enchantment of the Seas [02]
Enchantment of the Seas [03]
Enchantment of the Seas [04]
Enchantment of the Seas [05]
Enchantment of the Seas [06]
Enchantment of the Seas [07]
Enchantment of the Seas [08]
Enchantment of the Seas [09]
Enchantment of the Seas [10]
Enchantment of the Seas [11]
Enchantment of the Seas [12]
Enchantment of the Seas [13]
Enchantment of the Seas [14]
Wheelock speaker and strobe at the National Aquarium
Wheelock strobe at the National Aquarium
Elyse photographs David at the National Aquarium
Large dandelion next to Coles Run Reservoir [01]
Large dandelion next to Coles Run Reservoir [02]
Large dandelion next to Coles Run Reservoir [03]
Front wall of Gloucester Centre Walmart