Friendship Heights station [03]
Friendship Heights station entrance pylon
Metro Center station [07]
Ceiling at Metro Center
Metro Center station [08]
7000-Series train at Shady Grove
Van Ness-UDC station [02]
Van Ness-UDC station [03]
Forest Glen station
Mt. Vernon Square station [02]
Blue Line train at Pentagon City station
Metro Center station [09]
Metro intercar barriers
Ceiling at Ballston-MU station [01]
Ballston-MU station
Ceiling at Ballston-MU station [02]
Orange Line train at Ballston-MU [03]
Orange Line train at Ballston-MU [02]
Orange Line train at Ballston-MU [01]
Ceiling at Ballston-MU station [03]
Ceiling at Ballston-MU station [04]
Benning Road station [02]
Train at Foggy Bottom-GWU station
Foggy Bottom-GWU station [02]
Metro Center station [10]
Federal Center SW station [01]
Federal Center SW station [03]
Federal Center SW station [02]
West Falls Church escalators [01]
Train at Benning Road station
Money train at L'Enfant Plaza [01]
Money train at L'Enfant Plaza [02]
L'Enfant Plaza station [03]
L'Enfant Plaza station [04]
Red Line train at Gallery Place-Chinatown station
Arched ceiling at Metro Center
Blue Line train at Pentagon City [03]
Red Line train at Metro Center
Yellow Line train at Pentagon City [02]
Pentagon City station [08]
Blue Line train at Pentagon City [02]
Yellow Line train at Pentagon City [01]
Pentagon City station [06]
Blue Line train at Pentagon City [01]
Red Line train at Gallery Place
Pentagon City station [07]
Blue Line train at Stadium-Armory station [01]
Banana peel at East Falls Church station
Green Line train at Fort Totten [03]
Glenmont station, viewed from escalators
Green Line train at Fort Totten [02]
Green Line train at Fort Totten [01]
Minnesota Avenue station on a rainy night
Blue Line train at Stadium-Armory station [02]
Graffiti at Columbia Heights station
Potomac Avenue station [03]
Potomac Avenue station [02]
Platform pylon at West Falls Church station [01]
Platform pylon at West Falls Church station [02]
Platform pylon at West Falls Church station [03]
Platform pylon at West Falls Church station [04]
Platform pylon at West Falls Church station [05]
Platform pylon at West Falls Church station [06]
McPherson Square station [03]
McPherson Square station [02]
Platform reconstruction at West Falls Church station [01]
Platform reconstruction at West Falls Church station [02]
Platform reconstruction at West Falls Church station [03]
Platform at Federal Center SW station [02]
Escalators at East Falls Church
Platform at Federal Center SW station [01]
Platforms at West Falls Church station [02]
Platforms at West Falls Church station [01]
East Falls Church station platform [01]
East Falls Church station platform [02]
West Falls Church escalators [02]
Interior of WMATA railcar 3243 [02]
Interior of WMATA railcar 3243 [01]
Discarded latex glove
Rosslyn Metro station [05]